Sunday, October 1, 2017


The Part of Fortune is an area in which we are said to find our greatest happiness, fulfillment, luck, and fortune. We receive benefits or fortune from where the part of fortune is placed on our birth chart. It is important to understand that Astrology helps us bring the subconscious into consciousness. Our birth-charts indicate where we are being unconsciously influenced/directed by the planets, Asteroids, and points. My goal is to help everyone I can overcome negative experiences in their life through conscious awareness. 

The difficult aspects of Astrology should be our first focus for it points to where we sabotage ourselves through negative actions,  misguided or misused energy. We instinctively react or act out unconsciously. It's not merely our fault for we are being subconsciously influenced and this takes place through our perceptions, outside influences, and impulse  and creates our beliefs thereafter as a result. 

When it comes to the Part of Fortune in a negative aspect to Venus, the Square or Opposition, we are being blocked from reaching our fortune through fear that was set into motion from our past life, or early experiences, environment, impulse or our perception of it. 
We block ourselves from obtaining all that brings us pleasure, love and wealth because we subconsciously think the worst will happen or we don't feel deserving of it. We may think that we want it and deserve it and that we are doing everything it takes to get it but outside forces or outer events come out of nowhere and destroy it. These events come as a result of our subconscious/unconscious fear of it or loss of it.

With this aspect, many experience difficulty in finding fortune in money, love or things of value or that bring them pleasure. Or they fear that something will always go wrong. They feel they are blocked or have bad luck. These beliefs create a cycle of failure by feeling unfortunate and expecting the worse and therefore, repeatedly creating situations and circumstances that seem to come out of nowhere that block them. 
These are the ghosts in our subconscious that create outer experiences because we subconsciously believed they would happen or feared them. We are blocking it ourselves but we feel it's bad luck or fate.

Such as the 12th households our subconscious and hidden fears, that often prove themselves untrue not always but often. Such is the same with Squares and Oppositions, they are unbalanced energies, blockages, and fears that manifest in our outer world negatively. As an example, I will use the planet Saturn in the 2nd house. A person with this placement may experience a lack of pleasure, nice things or money in early life. 

They may have been burdened with responsibility or had to always work so hard feeling as if they never got what they deserved. As a result, the person has developed a fear that no matter how hard they work they will not be able to gain wealth or find love or have pleasure, they don't allow themselves to have these things out of fear. They may then either not apply themselves, as a result, why should I? I will only face resistance, and nothing will come of it, I am doomed to struggle. Or conversely, they may develop fears of not having enough that they become penny-pinching, stingy or deny themselves things, constantly afraid of spending money for fear of not having enough. Therefore they create a mindset of lack, and a negative belief surrounding money that then creates much of the same. The more they try to hold on, and not spend the more they stay trapped in the cycle of lack. The same goes for Saturn in difficult aspect to Venus.  

As always our fears hold us back, our belief that we are not worthy or we have bad luck or that we will always struggle to sabotage us and we are essentially are our own worst enemy.

Why we have the difficult aspects, to begin with, are thought to be earned in Karmic Astrology- as a result of past actions. We get what we give, or every action has a reaction. They may be said to be areas in which we went in excess,  or were greedy or misused the planet energy in a past life. 

With Part of Fortune Square or Opposite our Venus, one may have deep-seated beliefs that they are not worthy or fears of reaching their fortune that something will go wrong, and therefore do not choose correctly or end up sabotaging themselves in some way whether through impulsive behaviors, or non-action or having low standards or feeling unworthy. Therefore they feel they have bad luck, that they can't seem to get ahead, or that their luck or fortune is blocked but really they were blocking themselves. 

Why? No one knows for sure, but what we do know is that we operate from an impulse of the planetary energies and their subconscious effects. Because of this, we need to be made aware so we can consciously direct our lives rather than be subconsciously directed. 

With this aspect, In order to obtain your fortune that is waiting for you, you must allow it you must believe that you deserve it, you must go after it, and aim high, it's fortune after all. Not just outwardly say you deserve it, not psyche yourself up but truly believe it and do not expect the worse to happen. Instead go after it boldly, follow through to the end. In love, raise your standards and choose wisely don't sell yourself short and settle for less. 

Often I see people come to me and say I feel doomed in love with this aspect. When I fall in love something always happens either to them or to us. Or from others. Or I am mistreated, or unloved, uncared for, treated badly. I feel I have bad love karma.  Or opportunities fall apart, I never get the big money jobs, or something always goes wrong. 

This is not because of this aspect of itself it is because the person is choosing poorly or not doing what it takes to maintain the relationship or sabotaging it through the poor behavior of their own. 

Or going for low paying jobs or crappy jobs or companies that are unstable. These are just some examples form what I have seen. There were many different reasons but it all came down to underestimating themselves or feeling unworthy deep inside.

 They saw concerns about their choices, or they gave into easily and admitted defeat in the professional world. The opposition requires tenacity, and you can't give up at the first sign of adversity you need to stand up for yourself.

This was not always the case, others didn't have problems such as these but rather they felt they aimed high but always something went wrong but after further thought, they realized that it was them, they actually did give in too easily when faced with adversity or challenges whether at work or love or with money. There is a multitude of different situations but the fundamental issue is fear of reaching higher, fear of something going wrong, not feeling worthy of more, fear of success itself, fear of love, insecurity, feeling not worthy, or purely self-sabotage, or giving up too easily when challenged, immediately claiming defeat. 

Whatever the cause, from what I have seen with the people I coached with this aspect, 
was that after they became aware of this, they realized it was true and then saw an enormous difference once they got it. Then consciously made the effort to rid the negative thinking, and adopted the I'm worth it mentality, and reached higher and didn't fear it, things dramatically changed I am in repeated contact with quite a few of them still today who are ever grateful for the changes are dramatic in areas of love, money and self worth.

In short, In order to reach your fortune in love, money, and self-worth, you must overcome your subconscious fear of it. They say with this aspect one can give up, feel defeated, and become jaded. They feel they are born with a bad star and just have bad luck. 

The truth is they subconsciously feel unworthy, or have fear of failure or something bad happening, and this needs to end. They need to be reborn, reprogram their unconscious through repetition or subliminal messages, meditation or simply awareness. 

When they finally truly realize this they will receive this fortune. And don't let this word scare them, realizing it's not above them, or too good for them, or something they don't deserve. It is waiting just for them to finally realize this and to go after it boldly and without fear and atlas proudly claim it with no fear.