Sunday, May 29, 2016


It appears this month is a mixed bag of nuts, all eyes are on you! and you have some really good benefits as a result. You are hosting both the Sun, Venus and the New Moon in your sign. 

However, this New Moon is under attack by Saturn and although is making great aspects with Venus Saturn has a way of testing the strength of the planets and in this case it's love, money and perhaps a elderly male or person in authority. 

If you are involved in a love relationship your partner can become difficult and many people will be having to re-evaluate their close partnerships. 

It's also likely there will be a financial crisis at some point, however if you have managed your resources well until this point you might pull through rather quickly or not be affect much at all.

It's true this month at times you might feel under time pressure, and might experience moments of financial pressure. 

This is true for most signs of the Zodiac, however with you there is a need to step back and start to think about the future and what you can do now to improve things.

At the beginning of June the Sun and Venus will be opposed to Saturn this is a tough time, and all signs will feel the coldness and harshness of Saturn quite clearly.

However, the New Moon on Sunday the 5th should bring about within the next few weeks more promising opportunities to to clear up any financial difficulties and set you on a new path. 

It is possible that a close partnership may come to a end, this can be a business partner instead of a romantic one and appears to be happening sometime around the solstice near Tuesday the 21st.

The Good News is that Mars arrives at it's station to turn direct near month end on the 29th and this is something we all are eager for. 

As the pace picks up things will start to move forward again and you can find favor in buying or selling at this time. This is a result of a beautiful aspect being made between both the power money planets, Jupiter and Pluto lighting up both your house of home, real estate, family and that of others money, such as banks, loans ect. If you are looking to buy a home or expand this is a great time to get the ball rolling by applying for a loan or getting the finances you need.

However, much depends on your own individual chart it is always best read your Ascendant, Sun and Moon for the best overall picture. 

Even better yet, because Astrology is personalized to each individual and different for everyone to order your own personal annual forecast to plan ahead. To do so see my readings page.

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