Wednesday, July 9, 2014


(Please note this description is not for all there are many dimensions to one aspect and other aspects along with the sign Venus is in will depict more specifically.) No one aspect can be accurate for everyone other aspects will alter the interpretation this is for the aspect in itself with no other aspects being made. Some of the interpretation relates stronger to the opposition than the square but both will find they relate to much of the post but certainly not all.

Saturn is restrictions, blockages, resistance, fear, hurdles, tests, trials, hard work, seriousness, maturity, conservatism, criticalness, oversensitivity, and shrewd. Positively: refinement, convention, loyalty, commitment, and dedication. 

Venus is money, pleasure, grace, diplomacy, beauty, art, glamor, and women. If a person has a hard aspect with Saturn to Venus they will often possess a great fear of rejection, be overly serious, and overly sensitive to what they feel is criticism or rejection and often do not put in the effort it requires to obtain all these things.

They often experience a cooling of feelings that can come across as inconsistent or even uncaring and is the result of their relationship problems. Some have a very pessimistic perception and therefore even when they are loved they just don't see it. There is a great deal of pride and fear of letting down their guard in order to allow love in. Are you blocked from love? or are you unconsciously blocking love? It's important to be self-aware of how one with this aspect is contributing to the struggles they experience in love. They need to develop a true self-esteem, and self-love first before they will be able to find true love. 

In order to find love, one must give in love what they expect of their lovers. Love is two-sided, and love is something that is earned by both people involved. By rejecting, or pushing away you are not contributing to love but rather destroying it and perpetuating this same behavior from the one they might like or love. 

Being more aggressive and less fearful would heavily benefit them. Understanding that we all will face rejection in our lives, it's just a part of life, but if you never take a risk many opportunities will pass you by and you can find yourself alone in the later years. 

Self-realization is first to understand how their fear of rejection is a self-fulfilling prophecy and that instead of rejecting first, and being too sensitive to any cues of rejection (which more often than not are not real) or one is projecting what they assume will happen. Or it's likely a result of oversensitivity. Being cold, inconsiderate or inconsistent will not develop love but rather animosity and rejection. OR those that they do attract will be all the wrong types that suffer insecurity issues themselves or that treat them poorly. 

This aspect comes up quite a bit in my work for it's one of the more difficult ones in areas of love and relationships, but also the belief system surrounding self-worth and money, which is a large part of my clientele. 

Saturn is hard work, and individuals with this aspect were often burdened with heavy or grown-up responsibility early on. As a result, they grew up fast and did not have much time for pleasure and play which leads them to difficulty relaxing and having fun. They can be overly serious, stiff, rigid or experience great difficulty in letting go and having fun. They take everything very seriously.

Venus also rules our values and money. They can sometimes equate accomplishment or money with love and they can view love as a business. Some can be very tight-fisted with money which therefore perpetuates their lack. Some prefer to talk about their financial accomplishments as a means to attract the opposite sex but then complain later of feeling used or find they are attracting exactly what they are projecting, those that want their money.

They don't get carried away with emotions they want the ideal partner but often fear it and end up self-sabotaging themselves. This is why many individuals with this aspect can end up settling for someone less than what they want which only enhances their insecurity when they constantly complain about their partners because they are not right for them or continuously break up only to get back together later when they should actually just walk away.

The lack of self-esteem, true self-esteem that is not based on what they own, have or can accomplish is the source of many of their problems in love. Many complain of terrible love lives but need to recognize or learn to choose wiser and if the relationship is not right or healthy is someway they need to learn to let go and move on and to stop going back.  

They can be uptight, stiff or serious and are often plagued with deep insecurities and fear of rejection, "reject or be rejected" is often their motto. They can also find anything that is unconventional nonsense or be closed minded with strong perceptions of right and wrong.

A person with Saturn in hard aspect to Venus will find challenges and blockages in the areas of personal, relationships, social graces and love relationships, along with fears surrounding the lack of money and this is a result of not giving what they want to receive in relationships of all types.

In areas of finance, the person can find many blockages around financial abundance and this is if the person becomes too fearful of not having enough and in turn, becomes selfish or tight-fisted with money. It is in their fear of lack that they constantly create situations of lack.

It would benefit one with any hard aspect between Venus and Saturn to learn to be more generous of heart and soul and to be more consciously aware of others feelings and not so focused on their own. This is for a multitude of reasons but by being generous they break the karmic implications of lack and create more abundance. Often people, especially with the opposition, can be to focused on material accomplishment that they can end up trying to scheme their way to try to create more wealth. This too will backfire, because Saturn is the planet of Karma and what we do will come back to us. The best advice is "do unto others what you want to be done to you." Not only will the schemes eventually backfire, but by scheming they will also attract situations in which others try to scheme them. Breaking the Karma of lack of love and money can only be broken through the generosity of love and money. 

Emotionally, Some with this aspect can end up with severe sensitivity to criticism and can overly defensive. They can also, as a result, become very critical of others in their defense. They can be jealous of others success, and become boastful of their own successes, or financial gains in an effort to feel worthy or good enough. They often don't feel good enough and they try to use outward appearances, or financial or personal accomplishments to attract partners. This is the wrong thing to do and will only feed their insecurity when they keep finding partners that only want them for their material gains or accomplishments rather than themselves. 

If this is the case and the individual wants to be loved for them, then they need to first love themselves and then they will not have to overcompensate for feelings of unworthiness by using money or accomplishments to attract love. Instead, the person needs to learn that love is a two-way street and to be loved for themselves they must offer themselves in love so they can be loved and appreciated for themselves.

Saturn is about hard work and with Venus, the work needs to be put into self-love, and by learning to give of themselves in love or in relationships. However, they also often possess a fear of rejection and so they lack taking the action it requires to pursue a love interest and end up missing out to the next person that does take the action. Whether it's their lack of desire or their lack of courage many opportunities will pass them by because they just don't make the effort.

In love, they would benefit from being more aggressive, fearless and much more direct in their feelings and intentions. Avoid being passive aggressive or using games of jealousy to try to get their interests to make the first move. This approach for the right person rarely works because they have not invested the time or effort it takes to win the heart or love of the other person. In many cases, they more often than not push away partners through dismissing their importance, or disappearing, thinking it would somehow make their interests like them more when all it does it put separation and open up to the other person meeting someone else that puts the time and effort into them. 

They often take a "reject first before being rejected approach" but because they are so sensitive to rejection they often feel they are being rejected when they are not. This produces a cycle of rejection and disappointment because their partners have not had the opportunity to fall in love to care enough because of the lack of time spent together or care given to the relationship. 

In other words, they do not earn a person's love first it's almost as if they feel entitled to a person's loyalty without giving of themselves first. When relationships begin, they feel the need to withdrawal to test their partners love for them, this too backfires because it brings out feelings of rejection in their partner, and often turns out to be self-sabotage. When they could have instead been developing the relationship. 

It's important that with this aspect one understands that love is earned, but it's not through one's material accomplishments that one will find this. It is through self-love, and investing the time and effort it takes to win the love of another by spending time together, sharing and enjoying time together that builds a bond. This is not earned through rejection, abandonment, and tests, these will produce enmity, not love. Love is developed through time, compassion, sensitivity and love.

Some people with this aspect can be very insecure, but it's also true that others especially if the sign is in Leo,  can feel a "sense of entitlement" that they don't need to do anything to find love or have too much pride. The harsher of this interpretation is often seen more with the Opposition while the Square tends to produce more insecurity, fear, and frustration.

However if they want a love relationship they will need to realize that everyone needs to work for the love of another, it's not just a given. They can benefit from being more aggressive and taking more action and to understand that rejection is a part of life, and that everyone must go through it at times but if we all gave up we would never find it. Rejection is not likely to happen if you are confident in yourself, and most importantly love yourself and it's better to try to have what you want, then to let it get away and have regret later on.

Insecurity comes through strongly in people that always need to test their partners, or that need to speak highly about their material accomplishments for it appears as you are selling yourself rather than being yourself. Anyone with real material accomplishment usually does not want others to know for the reason of being used. Saturn is the planet of karma, you get what you give if you don't give anything you don't get anything either. 

The karmic implications of this aspect can create many problems in their relationships of all types but mostly in love relationships because we all must earn the love of another but it's harder for people with this aspect because they have a harder time understanding this or they are so afraid of rejection that they don't do what is needed, and later find their desired gets away, when they find another that does put in the work. 

The idea is to essentially give what it is you want in a love relationship. If you want rejection then keep rejecting, if you want a partner that genuinely loves you then earn that love. This is not about material accomplishment, it's about connecting with another person, being a friend, and having an open heart.

Yes, Saturn demands hard work, no matter what planet he is with but with Venus the work needs to be put into self-love first, but also into love relationships but also by overcoming your fear of rejection, be more vulnerable, go after what you want by being more direct, and stop assuming the worst. Stop missing out so you won't have many regrets later in life. Give love, Get Love.

A beautiful post of a woman whom I do not know that has lived with this aspect tells her experience so beautifully in the below post if you are interested.

Also, learn to let go, don't put so much pressure on yourself, relax don't be so uptight and serious, laugh a little and take more risks it's ok, you deserve it.

More on love blockers check out this:

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  1. Zahara, thank you so much for this post! One of the tightest aspects in my chart is a square between my Venus in Pisces (5th) and Saturn in Gemini (8th) when I'm single I do pretty fine, but once a man begins to show interest in me is when the panic sets in. I start obsessing over my weight (I'm not even overweight) and my looks. I have the Sun-Venus-Mercury-Amor all in Pisces in the 5th house as well as Libra rising. Even when people call me "pretty" I just refuse to believe it. It's such a touch aspect for me to work with. *sigh*

    1. Hi Nicole* Sounds about right for this aspect, you know why so.... Don't be so hard on yourself! Believe me (with this aspect) you are overly critical of yourself and are likely a very pretty and polished gem! So, know this! and tell Saturn to take a hike by accepting and loving yourself just the way you are and perhaps caring less about 'what others think' this is key with this aspect. Pisces isn't the most confident sign either so you would need to work on this, "positive thinking"can go along way ! and is something we can all do more of!

  2. I have Saturn 25.44 conj IC/4th 25.27 Virgo, square Venus 1.55 Cap/6th.

    It's not a tight aspect and it's out of sign, but I feel it strongly. I feel like I have to earn (Saturn) love and affection (Venus) but I just don't feel like trying all that hard (Venus trine Mars in Virgo). Also no doubt there's a lot of heaviness bc Saturn is on my IC and opposing MC and a double whammy of Venus/Cap in the service oriented 6th house.

    A couple years ago I made the acquaintance of a man who has Venus 26 Pisces and I won't go into the whole long story right now but for all the times our paths have crossed unknowingly, I feel like I am drawn to him like a magnet or that I felt his energy before we even knew each other IRL. But I think he has known me longer than I've known of him?

    He has a super tight Venus/Saturn trine (Pisces/Cancer 26).

    Sometimes he flirts with me but I feel like he is teasing me, playing head games because he knows I want him and I am scared that if I make a move or tell him he will reject me and laugh at me. Also, he has many very attractive women around him all the time that I just cannot compete with.

    1. I'm so sorry for the long delay in answering I somehow missed this! I understand the not wanting to try it's very common with this aspect. The effort needs to be made in order to have a relationship but I find many with the aspect just don't do it. iIt often takes a Pluto transit to bring out the strong urges and desires in order to finally make a leap! I wonder if you and him have some Pluto going on or if you are experiencing a Pluto transit yourself perhaps to your Venus? Or since its been a while maybe your 5th house? there might be Sun or Venus south node connection in the synastry between you as well? Nonetheless we all have to take risks in love or the opportunity will pass us by and we end up with regrets. Fear is poison it prevents us from so much in life, don't let fear take over. Rejection is a part of life if you fear rejection then you'll never make a move and this goes for all fears of failer of any type. Let go of fear and learn to take chances and if you get what you want as a result you have to make the effort to keep it:)

  3. Thank you so much for this. It has helped me understand a friend who has Venus in Capricorn square Saturn in Libra with a 1 degree orb. When you say that these people are capable of withdrawing for long periods of time, how long are we talking? Several months, for example? Longer? And do they always return following these absences?

  4. Hi, it can be a long time it all depends, but they usually do return especially if they liked the person.

  5. I have Venus in Capricorn, 3rd house, square Saturn in Libra, 12th house. I relate very closely to this interpretation of the aspect. I think I've consciously and subconsciously avoided confident, intelligent & compassionate men because I'm afraid I'm not good enough for them. I go years staying single, or choose insecure but entertaining boyfriends whom I consider practice for the real thing. (I have occasionally gone for guys who seemed secure and caring, but they later proved otherwise, even abusive, because I ignored red flags). But now I'm 31, and my longest adult relationships have been 1.5 years. It's painful every time I read about this aspect, because I'm afraid I'll never love myself enough to avoid an abusive relationship like my mom was in. This comment is also the clearest I've been on the subject, which might be due to saturn in the 12th house, where it's effects are veiled to me. Knowing my fears and triggers, and sharing them, will help me overcome them.

  6. Hi Zahara,

    I have venus saturn opposition. I am 27 now and would like the definition of venus saturn once one matures and learned from relationships. How about after one has dealt with insecurities and low self esteem etc. ? I mean the description of Venus Saturn is very negative always but not all venus saturn people are that bad - Can we get more info on the mature/ higher level of this aspect?

    Also i think people that have it natally and who are willing to make effort and have strong jupiterian energy can learn to handle the energy eventually. Once one understands how one reactions, then why not take action to alleviate it?

    E.g. I have friends who have gone through a venus saturn transit in hard aspect and they did not have that signature in their natal chart so they expressed the more negative side of it and I remained their friend despise everything because I know people go through phases, and life can be challenging and once the transit is finish they slowly go back to their normal selves. It's not so black and white as in the definition. If I have good friends I keep them, we go through difficult periods of time together and we make it through, we support each other and the friendships gets stronger. And if it does not them maybe it means the friendship was not real to begin with. I dont believe in 'pushing friends away' so much, if they are your friends they ll give you space/room until you come back and welcome you back with open arms. The abusive relationships trait sound more like a venus pluto signature - I may be wrong but the abusers I know have venus pluto or moon pluto.

    I d love it if we can help saturn venus people to play the more positive traits; make suggestions on how to improve not just list all that s wrong about it.

    The opposite aspect would usually be venus jupiter aspect and all definition are amazing while I know a few venus jupiter people and yes, they are fun and warm but some are very self-centered and selfish too.

    Sorry if this message is too strong I would just love it if once in a while that aspect would get a bit of credit too...

    1. Hi Thank you for visiting. This is a general description of Venus in hard aspect to Saturn. It is far too much to break it down to individual charts and other planet aspects that contribute. This is purely for this aspect. Saturn is restrictions, coldness and blockage in hard aspect Venus is love, charisma, money and all things pleasant that bring us pleasure. Simply said the person would block the Venus energies whether themselves or from others. These behaviors are often unconscious and affect the person in their relationships and why the aspect is considered hurtful and negative to the individual and bringing it to the surface is what will help the most, it's up to the person to realize what role they play and how they are contributing to relationship issues, it's up to them to then make the effort based on what they learn of this aspect.

  7. Thank you for writing this post. However, what I found interesting about this article is that this aspect is supposedly harsh, critical, and judgemental but I felt all of these adjectives from the tone of this article. Astrology is meant to help, not judge others. Its true that holding a mirror to our faults is important but this article seem a bit personal and cold. Just my opinion.

    1. Thank you for your feedback. I have 20 years of experience and many many clients that thank me for helping them. So Yes I have helped many. Every astrologer has a different way of delivery and what works for some doesn't work for others. It's not personal its professional observation and Yes I agree, that a mirror at the faults is very powerful and promotes self awareness, the key is to get better not reinforce only positive.. but rather negate the negative self defeating one's in a hurry.

      I would like to add the planets the universe can be very harsh, very direct and even brutal. I happen to want to help I have my own way of doing it. My origional astrology site was called Punch Astrology, a kind of blunt approach to the terrible side of astrology.

      I have a more blunt approach and you can find plenty of others that will only speak of the good, or that will paint this aspect in a softer way. I have known many with this aspect and this aspect is not singled out their are many that are detrimental. Nonetheless I appreciate your feedback.

  8. This article was well written. I've never read anything more accurate (speaking from my own saturn opposite venus) in my whole study of astrology. Thank you my soul needed to hear this read aloud.

  9. I have the venus square Saturn aspect and I always I feel like it has made me have no confidence. I have a Sagittarius sun, moon, Pluto, and mercury. And one random day I looked up the physical traits of a Sagittarius online and it said Sagittarius women aren't that attractive. And I'm also Aquarius rising and it said Aquarius women are odd looking. And have a boyish figure. That explains my long legs, slim figure which I really hate. Not to mention I have Uranus on my ascendant AND Pluto, the sun, AND moon all sextile to my ascendant and I feel like all those planets make me odd looking or something. I don't know if it's in my head. I just really hate my physical appearance. Ppl tell me all the time that I'm attractive, and that I have a nice body and sexy legs but I just don't believe it. And I think it manifests in my relationships. I had a fling with this guy two years ago and he was the first person who I had strong feelings for but he ended up going back with his ex. I'm still not over him and I haven't found a guy that met up to his standards. I had a boyfriend recently but he KEPT threatening to commit suicide if I ever left him and he tried to hinder my freedom and wouldn't give me space and a I NEED my space. So I broke up with him. I don't think my standard are too too high. I just want someone who I can be attracted to both physically and mentally. I have Venus in Capricorn AND it's in the 12th house. A double whammy. And it's conjuct to Neptune and mars and trine to my North node which is in the 7th house. Don't get me wrong. I'm not depressed or anything. But I HATE my physical appearance soo much and I feel like that's why I'm so unlovable. Lots of guys have asked me out but they weren't my type. They were either way too emotional or they were players. No one has reached my standard. Is it true that we won't find love until we're over 40 ??? Please tell me that's not true and that's just more of a personal choice. By 40 I would just give up. Do I have any hope of finding somebody before 40 ??

    1. Honey I don't know wheee you heard Sagittarius is usually not attractive Sagittarius produces some of the sexyest people! Aquarius adds a unique beauty. A wise man once said " whether you believe it to be true or not, you are right! Don't be negative what you believe of yourself is important. Believe you are beautiful and worth it because you are, not because anyone told you so but because beauty is relative and it's in the eye of the beholder which means what's beautiful to some isn't always to others and who cares anyway. Love yourself you have you until the end.

      When you love yourself you will find true love loving your Self just the way you are. Otherwise you will end up settling and not being happy or you will attract all the wrong people.

      Your not doomed to be lonely, it's a change of mindset, believe in you and love yourself for who you are.

  10. I don't know what happened with the font on this post and a few others it's all screwed up! Yikes. I'll see about this sorry guys!

  11. Thank you for this eye opener. I am dating a man who has this aspect (Venus Square Saturn) and he also has Venus Square Pluto.. Weve been in an online relationship for almost 8 mos now. We've never seen each other but the communication is so constant, we talk on the phone everyday for around 2-4 or even more hours. That's everyday, plus we message too even if were at work. He shares everything about his life, from his family up to the people that pisses him off at work, he shares his craft and his hobbies and his goals in life, he reports where he is going and what he does everyday. Sigh. He is Gemini Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Venus and Rising. I'm Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo Venus and Gemini Rising.
    I'm considering our relationship as LDR. I don't know but is he just content in these kinds of relationship? I mean, yes, he says he wants to be with me and is asking me to move back there in the city where he is working. Plus, I havent heard any iloveyou's from him yet haha. Its ok, I mean, I have Virgo Venus and I take my time too. My 7th house is in Uranus as well. Seems were both doomed in love? Haha.
    But, what are the implications of this?

    1. its quite different for each person but there are usually blockages in giving a receiving love without seeing his chart I can't really comment because i don't know if he has other aspects that can help. However I do suggest you meet in person first! 8 months is a long time to not meet someone ! However if it working for the both of you this way then it's working it sound like you have good communication andnthat important. But without seeing the charts I can't make any assessments. Just know that long distance relationships are quite diffeeent than in person and the day to day of being together. I do wish you the best!

  12. Saturn in Sag is opposite my Venus in Gemini in 11th house. How bad is this going to get? What do I have to look forward to?

    1. I would read the post and see where you can relate. Not everyone with Saturn in hard aspect to venus will possess all the traits listed here. This covers the potentially bad to really bad. All hard aspects spell trouble, and are areas in which we need to better, we all have them. Anyone that wants to argue that Saturn is not cold or harsh probably hasn't had a Saturn hard transit. However not everyone experiences or portrays all the harshness. Other aspects to venus and Saturn along with the signs and houses play a role. However venus is diplomacy, love, beauty, care, sweet in nature and Saturn is cold he has no favorites we all suffer under Saturn hard transits. In the natal chart the person has unconscious behavior patterns that display the strict critical approach to expressing their Venusian qualities. This can be defensiveness, fear, critical behavior, judgmental, insensitive and competitive, which comes across very insecure. Much of the time it is insecurity sometimes it's selfishness. It all depends you must find out for yourself how Saturn venus is playing out in your life. Saturn does refine and it can bring about true love but you must give love to truly get love and be more sensitive to others feelings and needs. It does not mean tolerate bad behavior or treatment. Also this aspect can make one boastful about money or things in their life then they are upset when they attract people that want their money. True self with is about knowing yours and it has nothing to do with what you have or don't have but rather who you are as a person:)
