Thursday, January 23, 2014



The month of June will be highlighting your Career, honors and public approval at the start of the month. You can expect something rather positive to develop in your career. You will feel much more confident at work wanting to put your best foot forward in any way to shine, and this will in return bring you some kind of positive recognition. The month begins with the Sun in your 10th house indicating a need for public approval and a desire to shine be in the limelight. Your desire to mix and mingle will increase preferring to go out, rather than stay in. This is a excellent time, indeed. 

I also might add while you are shining in the spot light with the Sun in your 10th, you are also shining in the spotlight in your 11th house of friends with bundle of planets wonderful planets are crowding up your house of friends. With all in this going on in one house with Jupiter, Mercury and the Moon you can definitely expect to the in the spot light the month of June is your month to shine. You are the Star this month. I am so excited for you.  


Although Neptune has been playing tricks on you in the close partnership area,  Perhaps blind siding you and opening you up to deception although this is not always the case, some of you may have even been deceived or at least feel as if someone has misrepresented them self.  However he's been trekking back and forth  in retrograde motion and chances are you are much wiser than when he first entered this house. Now there seems to be ambiguity around your close partnerships at this time or they take on a much more spiritual cast. If you are in a relationship your partner may have been confusing to you or you may be experiencing some confusion in your relationship, Focus on the spiritual side and remember Neptune can make your imagination run rampant and you may feel insecure for no real reason. Neptune can confuse things making the couple feel as if things are off or something is wrong. Just be sure to communicate with your partner. This may be a highly romantic time for the both of you. All this makes no difference because if you are single and looking, then your expectations are rather high now. There is nothing wrong with having high standards just try not to push a way a great possibility because you are also expecting something out of a Angels and gods novel. At the same time your run the risk of making too many concessions for another and that also includes having to low of a standard or finding the biggest loser as someone you find endearing or sweet. You may have had some close friends wash away with the Neptune currents, maybe you have been discovering new ways in which others have not been honest with you. You may have had friends that have needed help, experiencing hard times whether financially or emotionally. The people you meet might be more of the Neptune's vibe, spiritual and ambiguous. If you work in a metaphysical area you are apt to do very well during this time in growing your network. It is also just as possible that you meet your ideal dream lover at this time, and that you wake up in the morning and he/she really is that perfect, anything is possible with Neptune but you must be wise to navigate appropriately. Although these are the many possibilities of Neptune's transit through your partnership house, you can expect to romanticize your relationship ideals a bit more, and either improve your current relationship by connecting on a more spiritual level or meet a ideal that never forms into a relationship be watchful not to start a illusions relationship with someone you meet but never go out with. You can do better than that. You just as all of the above have the opportunity to meet your dream lover,  yep it's true. Those coupled up I would have to say  will bond much closer, perhaps exploring deep realms and forms of connecting to each other on a much deeper level reaching for a much higher love.


This month you may feel like you need a getaway and you actually might be able to pull it off if you haven't already planned one. Venuses trip to your 9th house is a sure indication that you may take at least a small trip. If not you will want to explore exotic cuisine of another culture or want to expand your level of consciousness with some metaphysical exploration. Whatever, it is you want to explore new, experience new and usually it comes in a desire for multicultural exploration. You want to go far and away.


When Pluto first hit your 5th house a while back if you were in a relationship it was sure to take a hit. If you managed to make it through chances are your relationship has been renewed and you have drawn much closer to each other. If your relationship did not survive you may have met a new one that was full of passion and intensity showing you the dramatic colors of Plutonian love. You need to be careful of attraction highly jealous and obsessive people or you yourself becoming this way. You will crave a deeper kind of love, one full of passion just be careful not to burn yourself out or your partner. Deep transformation and change in your idea of love and what it is you really want in love will be discovered after this transit. Another effect is if you have children you can expect dramatic changes in your relationship with them this is a excellent chance to develop a much deeper bond with them. You will want to be admired and appreciated, you will also be much more willful during this transit which can sometimes draw negative people that try to manipulate you. However, I see this as a opportune time to develop your creative abilities because you will be fearless in your pursuit. It is also a great time to develop a passionate love affair into something much deeper if you can manage the compulsion this position produces. You are attracting more the more Plutonic types which can be a sizzling time. However Pluto has been in retrograde motion so your relationships and partnership have been under heavy scrutiny both parties tend to hold back and perhaps take on a passive aggressive mannerism.


Mars starts the month in your 2nd house of earned income, you can expect to make some extra money during this time because you are willing to put in extra effort. Your focus will be on making more money or new ways of how you can do it. Whether you want to start another business to expand on your current earnings or you just plain need or want more money, this month you will do so. You will also put much of your energy into purchasing new items or managing your budget but you will be taking action in these areas. You also have the Asteroid Ceres ( healing) paying a visit indicating you might be able to take care, of some financial issues or even make money in some healing type of industry such as herbal, or aromas, or even the healing medical industry.


If you have a partner they may have been experiencing a extreme fluctuation in finances. They may have made a lot of money and then lost a lot but it most certainly has been somewhat unstable. If you are single you may be feeling quite exploratory in all things hidden, perhaps freely pursuing things of a taboo nature, the magics, or metaphysical. You are likely to fantasize about thrilling sexual experiences that are new and exciting and if you are in a relationship you might choose to spice things up in a new and perhaps unusual way. There is also a possibility of you receiving some unexpected money since Uranus like surprises it is also possible you will receive a expect inheritance. Your partner and you may take on a more liberated perspective when it comes to sharing resources.

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