Sunday, March 2, 2014


The month of May is likely to prove very stabilizing. You have been cleaning out the closet on unworthy relationships with people. There has been a lot of truths uncovered over the past two years. Relationships came and went, you may have experienced a break up in a relationship that was no longer serving your higher purpose. As painful as this may have been, you are very likely to meet your ideal match with someone that is ironically a much better fit and perhaps even a soul mate. If you have not met this person yet you will very soon. This year there is a strong possibility that many of you that are currently dating seriously may consider tying the knot. If not yet or you are not currently involved you will be meeting this person very soon. 

The Solar Eclipse at the end of April is still in effect in May, which will cause you to focus on your own personal pursuits . If you've been neglecting your own personal needs, this is a time for pursuing them, as well as for renewing goals that you've left on a shelf.

You may have additional weight put on your with your relationships with other people which may make it hard to focus on yourself. You may need to take additional time nurturing a parent, or people may be requesting more time that you just don't have. You need to balance these needs with the needs of your own and be sure not to put yours on the side line. This is a month where you can accomplish much in terms of goals and career. There is a full Moon on May 14th that will be a culmination of efforts put forward and  people are definitely paying more attention to you. Use this time to get what you need from others as well.  Around the Full Moon on the 14th, however, you're forced to take others' needs and wants a little more seriously.  Your powers of attraction will be quite strong during the Month of May and your confidence will likely increase as well. You may experience a sudden epiphany or important discovery that can help you in a big way.  Your love life will improve considerably from the 29th and into June when Venus enters your sign this may be the time that a important commitment is made. Venus will also be opposing your 7th house of partners, making it a ideal time to meet someone new, but also to solidify a current relationship. While Venus is in your sign, you will want to take the time, to beautify yourself, or pamper yourself. Many go out and get new hairstyles, new clothes or change their image in someway, that makes them feel sexier and more confident. This is obvious to others, and they will likely take notice. You will be much more diplomatic and sensitive to others during this time, which in return makes other's more willing to do favors for you so ask for what you want you are likely to get it. For now, have some inner work to do. You are cleaning out the deadwood and staying in the background when it comes to your affections and love relationships. Private affairs hold a strong appeal, particularly around the 15th. May is very strong for your social life, which can be especially nurturing and warm, but also practical. The lines of communication are opening up between you and a partner or friend. Ideas for how to go about manifesting your innermost desires and dreams will become reality during this time. Some of you may meet a significant person through a friend or group association. After the 19th things... 

 Personalized Full Report just for you can be ordered from the consultations page.

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