Sunday, July 2, 2017

Need a attorney? Saturn Transits the 8th house

This may sound odd, but I do get this question a lot. Ironically aside from Tax issues, I have seen many people sued during this transit, or their wages garnished, tax liens and a whole slew of financial situations occur.   Of course this is only if you got financially entangled with the wrong people, owe people money or are trying to get out of or break a contract. If not then you have nothing to worry about it's just going to happen for no reason. However, if you been skimming by or slacking in the financial area and you do have a reason, it is more likely to happen during this transit. 

The deal with the 8th house when it comes to finances and money this house speaks of any money that you have connected with another this includes credit cards, banks, or any contracts you have signed with another, including Taxes. Saturn is the planet of burdens, responsibility and karma. 

So while finances aren't the only area that tends to face Saturn's stern eye, it is an area in today's world where we are usually quite heavily invested. We have credit card debt, we struggle with taxes especially if we are 1099ed or own our own business. I have seen some pretty crazy stuff happen while Saturn Transits this house. Ok so you may think the title is a bit dramatic however, I work with many business owners and independents and many of my dear Taurus Ascendant clients experienced much of this over the past year. Owing taxes, and having them come down hard but also business partnerships, and relationships with advertisers or any other business partnership. This transit is all about your relationship with the money you owe, and people can get demanding during this transit. Business Partnerships break up, and there are legalities involved. 

If you have attachments to others resources you might want to make sure they are solid prior to this transit. Tax attorneys and business attorneys make their living off of this transit which happens for many people at any given time.

This is not to scare anyone but more of an observation from my recent clients experiencing this transit in which brings up the important fact that we must be careful about those we get involved with financially. If there are any red flag signs and your about to enter this transit , flare-ups are likely to happen. Otherwise, if you have managed things well up until now you will more likely just end up really busy, taking on a lot more responsibility and working on cutting back on costs and restructuring your finances. 

Have you experienced this transit? How was this transit for you?

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