Saturday, February 28, 2015


We can all appreciate the beauty of a Full Moon they often bring nostalgic feelings and deep sentiments along with a desire for romance and comfort.

 New Moon's illuminate particular parts of our lives and bring them into focus (check the house in which this New Moon is occurring to see what area this New beginning will be taking place.) Our lives in a constant flux shifting from one one phase to another. A New Moon brings about new opportunities and a stronger push of focus of our lives.

 This New Aries Moon is pushing us to take bold action in the house it's illuminating. 

Aries loves to pioneer new territory and urges us to fearlessly go after what it is we want.

 The question to ask ourselves is.. What would results would we like to see in our lives? How can we be the change we would like to see? This is our shot to take the initiative for a positive change for our better.