Sunday, October 7, 2012


This is for whether your Sun or Ascendant is in the Sign of Pisces. If you are a late degree Pisces Ascendant than please also see Aries for purpose of transits and accuracy.

Most of you have been experiencing a even deeper sensitivity than usual. We all know how sensitive Pisces is, but this is something different. You may find that you take more pleasure in dreaming and fantasy but may also feel slightly confused. This is normal however, it is also true that you have Neptune in your own sign( it's Ruler) and this is a double dose of Neptune energy. Dreamy is a understatement. Make sure to keep your head up! 

Having Neptune in your 1st house can be a confusing time, you are not able to see clearly, and can easily be deceived. You need to be careful while in the Sun as well, because there is something about having Neptune in the 1st house that makes your skin very sensitive. It's cooling down now so you shouldn't have much of a problem. Be sure to ask Lot's of questions of others during time to make sure to avoid as many misunderstandings as possible.

But really this months spotlight is on the Taurus full Moon taking Place in your 3rd house. This means that conversations, thoughts, talks and agreements will come to a close that started in the past 28 days. You can expect some good news this month! You may be thinking I need a Vacation, and that may be true and you will more than likely have the opportunity to get away very soon. This might not be a far away place all though some of you will, some of you will be taking a short and closer vacation but it won't be any less fun. 

Trying to get away may be hard in the beginning of the month with Jupiter in your 6th house things are likely quite busy for you, but later in the month you will get a break. 

Money has been a area of concern for most of you Pisces because you gotta break out of your shell to get most of it. Uranus in your 2nd house wants you to be doing what it is your heart desires to make your money. This can mean that some of you get sudden bursts of income, followed by a shortage anything is possible with Uranus here so expect the unexpected and you might have to step out of the box to find new sources of income.

If work is not keeping you busy enough more than likely your friends will. You may have been letting some friends go the past couple of years, or found others to be highly demanding of you lately. It is also possible that you have been demanding on your friends.

 Pluto goes both ways and in your house of friends, all these apply. With the add of Mars ( energy) you will be busy visiting and socializing, you may even be invited to a large get together. Enjoy yourself.

If you are single and looking for love, you will have plenty of chances the more you explore the exotic and different. Cultural events or Spiritual avenues, with Venus in your 9th be ready to meet a possible guru, or a lover that has much to teach you. 

As always you can get your personalized forecast with your specific birth-time that is directly relevant to you, by visiting my reports page.

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