Saturday, August 1, 2015


Although this aspect brings about strong sexual attraction, actually out of this world sexual attraction and consistency it needs to be managed with the utmost delicacy or it most certainly can burn two people out and things shift into a shattered glass, plate flying and even worse interaction. As always the worst does not need to play out. It has higher chances of playing out so if either person has hard pluto or mars aspects in their chart, to begin with pointing to potential violence, stubbornness, willfulness, controlling, bossy you get it. If the people involved are mature and learn that stubbornness and willfulness will destroy a relationship fast and permanently then instead they can learn to have a great time everytime and all the time.

The problem is these are two powerful planets and they know what they want and how they want it and usually aren't willing to compromise. They end up antagonizing each other and building resentments that in some cases can end up violent. This is why caution must be applied. 
However, when managed appropriately this aspect can be one of the most potent sexual and passionate aspects around.

In its worse, there seems to be an underlining competition between the two or a great deal of pride, stubbornness, controlling tendencies, bossiness ect.  On one hand, this aspect often shows up between two strong-headed individuals, that tend to disagree on practically everything. One wants to do one thing and the other wants to do something else, or purposefully wants to simply not agree for fear of vulnerability or others already mentioned. This can be a very challenging aspect to overcome, but it is not impossible. Flexibility and appreciation for your differences instead of trying to control or change one another would be one way to make it work without the unnecessary over-the-top drama.

The attraction although very strong initially can be broken down over time if you choose to compete and push each other, rather than work as a team.

Pluto and Mars are two very powerful and aggressive planets- Mars, more directly and Pluto subtly, at times and explosive at others.
If handled wisely and with awareness, this aspect can be great for stimulating one another and accomplishing pretty much any goal you set for yourselves. 

Both individuals tend to have strong desires and are not willing to compromise but at the same time, they can be jealous of each other, competitive, or pushy. It is also seen that one may have to be right all the time or tries to control or dominate the other.

When one pushes and the other doesn't give in, a  battle of wills begins leading to what is known as "intense drama". Ideally, with this aspect, it is best if you have some other softer aspects to take the edge off in what little you can and a good amount of compatibility otherwise.

Just realize that stubbornness, willfulness, competition or always having to be right do not work in love, instead choose to direct the intense energy into mutual goals and sexual satisfaction. If you do this then this aspect can keep the sex life, hot, heavy and busy for a very long time. 

Warning: This aspect is considered to be a sign of possible violence or abuse. However, it most certainly is not always so. You do need to take both of the individual charts into consideration to check for any signs of violence in either one natally. 

If both people are not violent, to begin with, then this will not likely be the case. 

If the attraction is mutual and both people are mature then this aspect adds a tremendous sexual attraction, but you do need to exercise caution and watch for being too aggressive with one another. Because of the strong urges and the sexual intensity you need to exercise caution because you can easily inadvertently end up hurting each other.

In it's positive there are few other aspects like this that can drive the primal sexual urges right over the top like this one. 

As always please feel free to share your personal experiences with this aspect in the comment section below:)

For even more on Mars-Pluto in synastry posts- Join the Back Room, my private site too and view all extended articles just click the link- Become a Member


  1. Had this square or either conjunct with someone along with pluto trine venus and venus quintile pluto but it was with a man with mars conjunct uranus natal in the 1st,.. so obviously that was dangerous.

    1. Sometimes, it can be depends on the individual charts, Mars Conjunct Uranus isn't considered violent in itself, there are other factors that would point moreso such as with his own Pluto Mars, Mars or Pluto in hard aspect to his personal planets. Mars Conjunct Uranus is known for being a daredevil, even a talented athelete or unique dancer, someone that takes risks for sure. However, it could result in erratic or unpredictable behavior, so I can see how it could be a possibility and should be considered in addition to other difficult aspects. I'm sorry you experienced the darker side to this placement, we do need to be careful with this one.

  2. Would either person feel more? I mean, would the Mars feel the connection more because Pluto is generational? I ask because I have Mars in Aries which opposes a large group of people in the mid-Libra Pluto generation. I tend to find myself very sexually attracted to the men of that generation with whom I interact or see regularly, even when I don't like their personalities or I feel like they don't like mine. It's sort of an "I don't like him at all, but I desperately want him" kind of feeling.

  3. Hi Bee! Thanks for visiting. I haven't seen it between two people that don't like each other to some degree first, but you may be onto something! This is pure passionate energy crossing paths, so.. Yes the generational thing exists, I have seen it myself and find that to be true for myself. I think both people feel it,but the Pluto person is a lot less obvious about it at first, although the Pluto person in what I have seen is the initial pursuer:)

  4. If the synastry aspect was Pluto square Mars but the composite is Pluto trine Mars, how would that play out? Thanks!

  5. Hi Anonymous! Thanks for stopping by! In synastry the energy is projected onto another, so you will both have this edgy burning attraction and over time is when the composite takes over and let me just say that the trine is no less potent than the square. With the square in synastry it shows a difference in how you express your attractions to each other, in the composite is how your energies change through your interaction with each other, it seems you both will express your sexual natures more alike over time. Very good aspect to have for longevity:)

  6. I have Mars conjunct his pluto. I'm def have have a huge sexual attraction towards him, but nothing has happened yet. Wondering if his Pluto feels the same??

  7. Yes, in my experience Pluto actually feels it stronger, but is not obvious about it, actually may hold back a bit on the onset.

    1. I am experiencing that right now. I'm the Pluto and just sitting back and listening to him. He is 10x's more obvious
      Besides this square, his mars conj. my venus in Pisces, his venus conj. my mars, in Sag, both squared each other. I jave Scorpio rising, an Aquarian, he is a Cap with Aquarius rising.

  8. Yes, he is def holding back. Trying to control myself as i don't want to be the first one to make the move. I hope he will soon ha!

  9. haha! Control yourself Mars! Yeah right! What sign is your Mars in? Rest assured, Pluto feels it probably stronger..but remember Pluto is control, which they can cover quite well...until the right time and its on, then it becomes passion and perhaps obsession:) but it will be hot! Keep me updated, Will ya?

  10. Haha, my mars is in Libra. His sun and moon also trine my mars! Is this good? Thanks, i will do :)

  11. mmmm, Sun trine Mars.. very nice, Moon trine Mars...lovely:) This is very hot, I think I wrote on it.? If Not, I will! Sun trine Mars feels like Mars in the 1st house in synastry to me:) which is a very hot aspect. Whoa,! you are really feeling it! I can say; He is definitely "feeling" your Mars. Pluto wants Mars believe me, Mars is "Sexy" it goes for what it wants and is in your face, and quite direct about it. Pluto is NOT into the superficial. If you ask me these two were made for each other.:)

  12. The most chemistry I've ever had is with this guy who has mars and pluto in scorpio conjunct my pluto. my mars (sag) is also 3 deg. conjunct his pluto(scorp). Is that a double whammy even though they're in different signs? It's hot, very, very hot. Physically, I couldn't ask for more. He's crazy, tender and very passionate, which really gets my scorp (ven, moon, sun, pluto, I know.) Emotionally, though, I can feel that secrecy and underhandedness could get in the way in the long run. I think honesty is definitely something needed with this aspect. Everything else though, is just fine ;)

  13. Hi Arasam, Thanks for stopping by! Double whammy Mars Pluto? wow! Very hot! and Yes, honesty is very important and No game playing,when dealing with Pluto:0 Secrecy and underhanded tactics are a result of not being able to handle the intensity that this aspect generates and is often what breaks this bond, when it's what neither partner really wanted. Both Parties need to be secure in themselves, open and honest with each other and let things flow, to enjoy this aspect for what it truly was meant to be:)

  14. Continue Arasam... Yes it is a double whammy, when both are in close conjunction to each other, both ways regardless of sign:)

  15. This is such an interesting article! :) My boyfriend (of nearly 2 years) and I have composite Mars conjunct Pluto in the 7th house. We don't have any Mars-Pluto connection in synastry, but this Mars-Pluto conjunction in our composite chart makes it a lot less boring. I'm really glad you wrote about Mars-Pluto.

  16. Hi Grace! Thanks for reading! Yes Thank you Mars Pluto for keeping things less boring!:) Even without the synastry, when you are together Sparks fly! Good for you!

  17. What if a relationship chart shows my Pluto opposite his venus and mars and his Pluto sextile my sun and mars? Does the intensity balance out? There's also a Neptune trine venus (my nep/his ven

  18. Hi Anonymous! Pluto Opposite Venus and Mars needs to be handled with care. It causes a great deal of sexual attraction and compulsion. It can go either way very fast if you don't pay attention. Pluto's all or nothing approach can tend to dominate and if this occurs it can breed anger and resentment. Since his planets are in easy aspect to yours it will more than likely be you, that needs to watch for controlling tendencies with him. The Neptune Venus will help add romance and a dreaminess to your affection with each other and will definitely soften out the Pluto. Neptune trine Venus is a very lovely aspect for romance:)

  19. Thanks for response! So if I have the controlling issue, is he just turned on? Who would have the upper hand then? We also have Pluto conjunct. :) we both have mars trine Neptune both ways to go w/the venus trine. I see u wrote an article on moon trine venus and his moon trines mine almost exact 1.16 degree. I suppose that helps?

  20. It may not be controlling, maybe jealousy, or more dominating? You will be the judge or what reactions he pulls out of your Pluto. Pluto takes on many forms in those realms, but you are the one with the power to transform him. Mars is pure passionate or sexual libido! but also, can also be aggressive, Mars in masculine he's not wimp:) but he goes about in a pure anima way, not calculating like Pluto can be. I personally love Neptune aspects especially the trine with Venus and Mars, beautiful, with mars it's like " You don't know where either one of you begin or ends" feels ethereal, love it! Moon trine Venus, a definite pleasure in emotional expression and it feels good to be with each other:)

  21. Hey Mars in Libra here, with mars conjunct pluto and trine in sun and moon with this guy. Turned out that he is not interested in that way and we have gone our separate ways :( Ahhh :(

  22. I'm sorry Mars libra,:( there are always other factors involved to either bring the attraction on initially or maintain it. You need to look at transit charts of both people and the composite to see if planets are making aspects to critical attraction areas, such as- the Vertex. This is a intense aspect when involved intimately,and not used in it's negative(manipulative/controlling) way, and both parties have initial physical attraction to each other. Don't worry, you will find the one for you:)

  23. I have Mars square Pluto (he is Pluto) with a guy I'm in love with. Other aspects we have are Moon conj Mars (he's Mars), Mars sextile Jupiter (he's Mars), Moon square Neptune (he's Neptune smh), Mars square Uranus (I'm Uranus) & Venus conj. Venus And Mars (I'm Mars, both our Venus' are in Leo. To add to ALL of this......we both have Venus sq. Pluto natally...and of course in our composite chart. This asoect is the most potent between us...because it goes.both ways (his Venus square my Pluto is tighter tho). Those are the aspects I can remember off the top of my head. Because Pluto is generational (& most of the people I've loved are in my generation)...I've experienced the violent side of this aspect (esp since I have it in my natal chart). I've been in plenty of physical altercations w/ males of my generation smh (and I'm a girl....Pluto in 1st house...scorpio ascendant zero degrees w/ a 29° gemini Sun....yes I'm crazy lol)

    I have no idea how to handle this potential relationship. I don't want to b "mushy" and have the "talk" with him...but I feel it's needed.

    Sorry for the excessive description.

    1. I think that relationship is already a (bad, maybe) memory.
      He was Pluto in your Mars-Pluto square, he was Mars in your conjunction Moon-Mars (auch! that hurts alot) and he was Neptune in your square Moon-Neptune. Seriously? Havent you ran away , far away, from that guy in the very first moment you opened the synastry? Yes, you must be crazy, lol!

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. oooh! Alyssa that's some heavy synastry! I would think the Moon Square Neptune, (which i would be interested in hearing how that is playing out for you?) and Venus conjunct Venus and Mars would smooth things out:)? Pluto in the 1st Scorpio Ascendant altercations??? ha! Watch out for you! You are a tough cookie, and that's ok:) just turn it into physical passion rather than physical altercations,be safe:)

  25. Oh and if you are in love with him as you say, You need to have the talk:) so go for it! mushy is sweet, it's ok:)

    1. Lol the whole Moon square Neptune thing is NOT all roses. I've become.more realsitic about our situation since finding out about the Moon/Neptune square & how to handle it. I would project these ideals I had onto him, wanting him to talk to me..touch me...I'd share intimate details about myself with him...I was just fueld by the "connection" I thought we had. eyes are a bit more open. I realize that we're both young (I'm 22...he'll be 22 Sept. 18)..and we both have alot of growing to do. I'm afraid to communicate deep feelings bc we seem 2 misunderstand each other alot.

      The evasion is also a problem...and from my configurations you can see how prideful I am. He will ignore a text message like nobody's business! ItIt makes me angry...then I feel stupid for texting him n the 1st place..and I cry. Yes, cry. Then he'll text me about 2 days later and we'll meet up..and I'm so happy 2 b around him that I can't even BE angry.

      It's disgusting smh.

  26. awe.. Alyssa, this is Not good. I can understand being prideful believe me! I also have a Scorpio Ascendant and Pluto is in trine to sun, merc, venus and mars. I was oh so stubborn and not gonna show weakness or neediness for the life of me..! well I am older than you, and I have learned it's better to know than waste my time. So now I just throw it out there! If they don't reciprocate it's their loss. The key is to NOT accept rude behavior (no response to text) they will just continue to do this and you can end up in a dead end situation for years. You deserve to be loved, you need to demand it. If they don't give it to you, you need to respect yourself and drop it. You will WIN by not giving in, (bring him to his knees), by not responding to him. It works but you have to be strong, it empowers you! Feels good! and puts you back in control of your love destiny. The first step to getting what you want, it to not accept behavior that you don't want. Neptune Moon can be beautiful, and it can be deceitful, it really can go either way and ultimately depends on what type of person your dealing with. You are a strong young lady,based on your configuration, you can do this:)

  27. Thank you for your responses! :)

    Since finding out about the specifics of the configuration I've become more realistic about things. He's young...not as emotionally mature...and I can't force anything. However that unconditional love thing is still there. I used to pray for him and his family every night (still do from time 2 time)...and I just want to see him happy, even if it's not with me (which will hurt like hell). That "unconditional love" thing is something I hope he can feel...because I'll never ever say it (Moon conj. Saturn - I'm Saturn). I've come to the conclusion that I will no longer communicate w/ him. Maybe we can try to have a relationship latrr on in our lives...when we're both more mature (Venus in Leo I've read has to end up doing that).

    I could rant & rave about this all day lol! Astrology has recently (within the past 2 yrs) become extremely intersting to me...almost obsessive!

    Thank you 4 listening!! :-)

  28. Awe, Your Welcome! Please! We all love astrology here right!? Well, it sounds like you have a great head on your shoulders, and your knowledge of astrology is helping you understand yourself, and other's. Don't you love it? We will all become better people because of our awareness, and our relationships much better:) unconditional love is something to marvel at,it's beautiful. It's real:)

  29. I'm also curious what Neptune is doing in your own chart if anything?

  30. I have Moon sq Neptune in my natal as well smh. The whole "divine discontent" scenario has played out again and again in my love life. I'm learning to take responsibility for my emotions...and to STOP letting my sometimes (extremely) unrealistic expectations ruin the present & future. I also have this deal where I want to be close to someone..but also want to be left alone (complex right?). I have quirks...but not as much as he does (Virgo Sun, Cappy moon, Sagittarius Asc.).
    He doesn't have any aspects Btw his Moon and Neptune (both in Cap. but I don't think they're conjunct).

  31. And I agree with how useful asyrology can it can sometimes uncannily explain occurrences in real life.

  32. ah, moon neptune... that explains your unconditional love scenario. I just knew you were gonna say that;).You are very aware, tho and that's gonna save you:) because Capricorn Moon's IMO take a long time to grow up and grow comfortable,and are not very sensitive can be cold. If his Moon was touched by Neptune or Venus that would help but...Virgo Cap Sag? Your poor Neptune moon! He's gonna need to grow up, those are "way late bloomer astro signs"..sigh!

  33. I know smh..I'm not going to put my life on hold...but if we cross paths later on in life & we're both free..I'd be more than willing if he is lol!

    It's so funny how no one welder has ever had such a hold over me! I guess it's also because his Venus is conjunct my Sun/Moon midpoint as well.

    But thank you SO much for your feedback!!!!!! :)

  34. I've expd both + and - with a synastric mars sq pluto w/ my now ex. Totally transformational sex but we could easily be pugilists w/eachother, mainly verbally altho phys abuse coming from him was what I call subtle....but not negligible at all same time. Neither of us seek power or control or did, only we pushed the major buttons on eachother and as he told me, I brought out the Best in him but also the WORST.

  35. Hi Elyssa! ohhhh yes, what you say is true, that is a common theme with 8th house/Pluto/Scorpio's compulsive and it really helps to have a few really nice smooth aspects in conjunction to this one...because yeah? why all the button pushing! Jeez.. that's the competitive thing..Yikes! Thanks for your feedback:)

  36. Hi, I hope someone can answer this for me. I have pluto oppose mars/venus with someone with pluto conjunct NN. We don't have many venus aspects but a lot of neptune and uranus ones. We have some nice aspects moon trine moon, sun sextile moon but the more harsher aspects scare me. Would this be an abusive/quick relationship? It sounds like there is a lot of illusion

  37. Hi,
    My name is Zack and i would like to show you a synastry chart:

    shes the inner im the outer would be amazing if you could say some words about this. im in painful uncertainty because i feel she can be my wife or something but there are downsides too....please help me.

  38. Hi Zach, Thanks for visiting. You need to order a reading to have a analysis of a chart. Here i just comment on particular aspects. You can order a mini reading that would tell you all you need to know and more. Thank you:)

  39. Hi Canadian girl! thanks for your question anyone else can feel free to chime in. As for me there are so many factors in a synastry chart that can negate the negatives or enhance them. Each couple's synastry is different. Although we can say how a particular aspect generally plays out, there is just so much more involved. Pluto opposite Venus and Mars is generally considered a strong attraction factor but also very competitive which often causes problems with control or competition. Neptune can soften or confuse things, and Pluto with the north node is a very powerful draw to each other, but there are just so many other factors to be sure of how it would ultimately play out. :)

  40. Hi, thanks for responding. I'm very new to astrology and am just trying to figure this out. I was mistaken, it wasn't pluto but mars,mercury and uranus which hit the NN.

  41. Hi Canadiangirl- Glad to hear you are learning astrology:)There are many factors depending on what these aspects are will tell you. You need to get a synastry reading to truly understand the dynamics. With that said, Aspects to the nodes in synastry are very tight connections often found in married couples and soul mates. You can go to search my blog on the right and type in nodes to read my posts on the subject to get a better understanding, or copy and paste these links:)

  42. I see. so what you think about my mars opposite her pluto? my mars also conjuct her south node

    thanks, Zack

  43. Wow, synastry/composite charts are very complicated. My understanding is slowly starting to come around. Is it true that connections to N node is also found on South Node? I've read conflicting stories about the importance of neptune to NN. Is it important or too far out to count?

  44. Hi Zach, Pluto and Mars are such powerful forces that in synastry if they are in hard aspect it's best to have at least a few other softer aspects such as Venus Sun or Venus Moon to offset the possible competitive side that is possible. The opposition or the square from ones mars to another's pluto causes a extreme sexual attraction. This attraction is deeply passionate but can also be somewhat competitive if not handled appropriately. Pluto usually tries to change Mars or atleast doesnt let Mars take the wheel and Mars won't have Pluto take it either.
    All in all= they really admire each others strength and maybe want to mirror each other or even perhaps be like each other. Strong sexual attractions and perhaps some control issues. You need to not push each other, or compete instead use only the passion that this aspect ignites. You're Mars conjunct her South-node is a past life tie and connection, to figure out what past life connection it is, you need to check out areas that Mars represents- along with the house and sign the conjunction is In, for tips:)

  45. Canadian girl: Yes, if it is a conjunction to the north node it would be in opposition to the south node. If it is opposite the North node it would then be conjunct the south node:)

  46. thanks for your insights :) My conjuncted Venus-Neptune conjunct her Moon on my descendant, so it quite eases the pluto-mars tension I guess :)
    The SN-Mars conjunction is in the 8th house in Taurus. Maybe I killed her for money ? :(

    regards, Zack

  47. Yikes! Zach!-hahaha!, it does not always mean you did something or her. It could be and was probably more than likely outside forces that may have had something to do with the ending. However, these things would need to be analyzed quite heavily to come up with potential scenarios. However, you do have the idea of how to come up to with possibilities:0. Nice to have you here:)

  48. haha thanks! I'm just trying to put the pieces together. I've become quite interested in synastry lately. Very exciting. What do you think about the orb between a woman's moon and a man's sun? Some say it can be up to 15 degrees.

  49. So I am curious...

    I have been studying the synastry aspects of myself and a woman I am curious about. I think I am pretty much Plutonian:

    8th house stellium in Aries with Sun, Jupiter, Moon and NN
    Pluto in Scorpio in the 3rd involved in 7 yods
    Pluto is the apex of a Spearhead and one of the planets in a Grand Trine
    Pluto heavily aspected

    I'm curious about your take on the flavor of this situation:

    my Pluto (Scorp) opposes her Venus (Taurus)
    Her Pluto (Scorp.) opposes my Mars (Taurus)
    Our Mars' square each other (Mine = Taurus; Hers = Leo)
    My Pluto sits in her 8th House
    Her Saturn (Pisces) conjoins my Venus and trines my Pluto
    Her moon (Pisces) conjoins my Venus and trines my Pluto, and falls in my 7th
    My ascendant falls in her 7th
    My Venus falls in her 1st
    My Neptune (Cap.) trines her Venus (Taurus)
    Her Neptune (Cap.) trines my Mars (Taurus)
    Our Mercuries trine each other (Mine = Pisces, Hers = Cancer)
    Her sun (Gemini) opposes my Saturn (Sag.)

    When I first met her I got the feeling that someone was penetrating me with their eyes all day long. I could literallly feel her that intensely and whenever I am around her, even if she is not looking, I know she is looking. Hell, even when I am not around her, I feel her. I don't even 'know' her. She was the first to contact me, but she keeps it incredibly surface (Gemini) and it frustrates me (impatient Aries) because what I feel with her is anything but surface. I have been obsessing over her, but i definitely do that Plutonian thing where I withdraw as a tactic. I have been attempting to stop responding to her uninspiring messages and yet I can't. She has a boyfriend whom she hints at being on the verge of breaking up with, information that she, for some reason, felt the need to volunteer within days of us meeting. Yet, at the same time, she talks about this guy as if he is her perfect man, then later talks about another guy that she is attracted to, and I get this weird feeling that she is playing a game with me. I am in an open relationship, so I am just curious about this woman. She feels...necessary, familiar. My urge is anything but platonic towards her and I struggle with being too 'friendly' in the way I talk to her. And she keeps popping up in my dreams...naked.

    Also, we work together.
    Her Saturn in Pisces and Aquarius ascendant falls in my 6th house

    1. Hi Subtle Flames:) You know studying astrology there is much to the situation. Sorry but It's impossible to tell without looking at the full picture. That would be both your individual charts to see how you are naturally predisposed to react, then the synastry, how you affect each other and then the composite what you create together. And although there are some great aspects there are many other things to take into account. Aspect by aspect show simple energy but only if there were no afflictions or aspects made to each of the planets listed. There are astrological love blockers to take into consideration and an array of other blockers that could hold back. To get the Aspects interpretations you can search my blog by aspect for interpretations. To see if a more than platonic possibility is likely or not then honestly, you need both of your individual charts and transits analyzed along with the composite transits and aspects. Which i would be happy to do by visiting my consultations page or Mini Love report page. For now: Please See: -to understand why you cant get big picture information or the details or outcome from Aspects and why the whole charts need to be analyzed. To give you a general-You have nice aspects along with some very difficult ones, which can counter balance, negate or enhance. Moon Venus is nice and will help some, it's not enough to counteract the Saturn Sun however. Sun Saturn opposition is a very difficult aspect to work with. It's hard to get off the ground because the Sun person feels suppressed in some form, or their normal self expression is suppressed. If you can get past that by being consciously aware of the impact you may have on her would be very beneficial. Like attracts like and two strong people usually will be attracted to each other, but when it comes to rubbing each other the wrong way or pushing buttons on each other- Very possible and you two will be prone to it with the Pluto Mars Opposition, Venus Mars opposition and Mars Square Mars. Moon trine Mercury will help and your Venus in her 1st says there is a attraction to you are on her behalf. Look for 12th house planets to explain the dreaming of her, and your ascendant falling in her 7th shows that you outwardly appear as her ideal. You have to get a reading so i can devote the time to analyze and find out more about the two of you as individuals:) Z

  50. Hi i was involved with a man who I was obsessed with. Our synastry:

    His Descendant and Mars conj my Uranus, Neptune and Juno
    His Venus conj my moon and lilith
    His vertex conj my mars, saturn and pluto
    His Node conj my moon
    Dont know my time of birth so dont know about my planets position.
    But his 7th lands on my juno and his 8th and 9th both land on my moon.

    He left me to go back with his lady, i was heartbroken. I always wondered if he still obsessed with me or thinks of me because of our synastry. He must love his woman for not even looking for me after they went back together. Ours was all sex no love I least on his side mostly. Your thoughts of this synastry would be great. Thank you

    1. Hi, some synastry there eh! Venus conjunct Moon is one of the most lovely aspects to have however with the added Lilith adds a much deeper twist of sexual lure and sexuality, with the added bonus of losing your sanity. When Lilith is involved you risk loosing your sanity! There is a lot to synastry we would have to look at the individual charts of both people to see how the planets in the synastry are being affected. As far as a synastry these aspects are quite good given the individual charts and personalities of the individuals are fluid with it. To see what the lesson was, we would need to look to the nodes in the synastry what house they occupy along with the Nodes in the composite. Cant really say what the relationship was about without taking all charts into consideration because there is just too much to look at. Aspect by aspect will only divulge bits and pieces of how you affect each other in particular areas but some aspects are pushed to importance and others negated by other factors. Without your birth-time you won't be able to get all the details but if you have a analysis done on his natal chart it would tell you all you need to know about him and why things went the way they did. You can also try a Ascendant finder which is depicted based on certain questions which has had great success. If your interested to you can email me otherwise there are other astrologers that offer this also:) His moon conjunct your north node is a indication of something owed to you in the future or you helped him emotionally get closer to his north node. This meeting may have been karmic, there is just too much missing to get the full picture. I am sorry for the pain you suffered, heart breaks are the worst.

  51. Hi thanks for the information in regards to the Mars Pluto aspect . I have read this again and again because it is such a beautiful read.

    Please could you help in regards to your opinion on this chart please.

    Birth times are unknown

    Do you think the Saturn square Saturn and mars square Saturn aspect is enough of a warning to not go forth into a relationship. This is because the orb value would be a lot stronger because of the smaller number.

    Will the Mars conjuction to Uranus and the Saturn conjuction to Uranus hinder us even more.

    I’m not sure if the trines are strong enough in terms of orb value to smooth out the other negative aspects.

    Especially the pluto-trine Mars aspects because the orb is 3 degrees and a lot bigger than the others so it may have a lesser impact.


    06/21/1984 Aspect 03/14/1977 Orb/Value
    Mercury Trine Mars 2.34 81
    Mars Square Saturn 1.06 -109
    Mars Conjunction Uranus 0.17 120
    Saturn Square Saturn 0.32 -104
    Saturn Conjunction Uranus 1.21 92
    Uranus Trine Saturn 0.09 63
    Pluto Trine Mars 3.40 35

    1. Hi I am sorry for the delay..I somehow missed this or didn't see it til now..My apologies..Saturn Square Saturn is not a deal breaker but it's not easy, it really depends on how strong your relationship fortitude or 'desire for one' with each other is. This is because there will be forces out side of the both of you causing havoc on your relationship. This can take form many different ways but there are usually different blockers that pop up for the both of you. You will begin to feel like your relationship is constantly being tested and its more than likely is. You will need to face challenges together but this can make your relationship quite strong as well. You need to have a lot of other compatible factors to ease the discomfort of this aspect. Saturn square Mars indicates that both of you have different energy levels, when one want's to do something the other probably won't want to, or the Saturn person makes the Mars person feel like they need to sensor there behavior, which can lead to frustration. On the positive it can work if you both realize this tendency and avoid acting it out. It can also mean that the Saturn person makes the Mars person more aware of how they behave or act, which can be good if the Mars person needs to tone it down somewhat. The other aspects are quite good:)

  52. My pluto in the 7th conjunct a man of my interest's Mars in scorpio.
    Pretty intense emailing and I haven't even met him yet!... Might be from my side since it's an infatuation. He is more plutonic than me. Sun 29.49 deg in libra, mars, mercury and pluto in scorpio

    1. Hi Shinobi! The conjunction between Mars and Pluto is madly intense, especially from his Mars to your 7th Pluto.. Spicy! just wait til you meet.. You will know what I mean then:)
      I am interested which house his Mars in Scorpio is in?

    2. Oooh :), I'm excited now. I don't know what house. My Mercury in the 12th house is still trying to plan how to ask him what time he was born without sounding weird... You know how those Mercury in Scorpio analyse everything. He might think I'm trying to steal his identity haha

    3. Lol! ummm yes.. not far from the truth of what he might think! ha.. however, there are ways you get him to offer it up if he knows. I'm sure your 12th house mercury can (Neptune) create a possible scenario to where he would just tell you if he knew or a reason for him to find out:)) You can do it:)

  53. Got it!. Honesty is the best policy. He's Mars is in the 1st house... Helloooo ;) I'm guessing he's gonna be oozing sex appeal from the first meet and he's a Libra ascendant, so the charm will also be there :). What are your insights Zahara.

  54. Awesome! Mars in the 1st house is very masculine and Sexy. He will want to take the lead...and Libra Ascendant (Charm) blended with Aries traits ( Mars) Yummy! Ooozing Sex appeal? Absolutely! and with all the Scorpio? big time! Your Pluto on his Mars is a mutual intense sexual energy. The Mars in his 1st is actually going to help quite a bit, because Pluto tends to not go the direct route which can cause misinterpretations, that cause discordance for no real reason. Mars prefers to have it now by just asking directly! So you will know where you stand, and I doubt you guys will be able to keep your hands off of it other. His Mars in your 7th and Your Pluto in his 1st ( Partner and Self). The intensity is both ways with this one. Considering all other aspects are in good shape, I am very excited for you:)

  55. Woohoo!, I feel like were girlies with hands held jumping up and down due to the revelation Zahara lol. Im so glad you said that about making decisions effectively due to his Mars in the 1st cos i'll admit it, I got scared when I knew he was a Libra with a Libra Ascendant. As an Aries with a Cap Moon, i'm very big on loyalty as he's mentioned he his but Libra's do flirt a lot and are easily influenced.
    Our chart isn't too bad but I want to have faith and see how it goes when we meet. Thanks a lot for your reply, won't take too much of your time :)

    God Bless x

    1. haha! Yes, I hear ya girl..Libra has a hard time saying "no" and making solid decisions. They are the "partnership sign" here to teach us how to "get along", which usually requires compromise which is something they understand quite well.However, too much a people pleaser..not good either. Balance!! Sounds like he has a good balance. Mars in the 1st Aries (Self) with Partnership Asc. He will In my opinion be" whoohoo Man":) I'll also add that you being a Aries goes very well with his Mars in the 1st, you will both be similar in how you go about things, (same tempo) which feels awesome, you don't feel like your dragging the other. I just love Astrology! and to just throw that out there! Hey I am rooting for you girl! Let me know how it goes please?? I wish you true love ! happiness and many blessings on the way! X

  56. I came across this blog - its like I was meant to read about mars and pluto to understand more of what's happening to me. PLEASE could I get some guidance on a very odd/obsessive relationship I'm experiencing - in particular an exact Mars-Pluto conjunction (his mars to my pluto). I've posted our profiles below. We also have an exact Venus-Saturn trine. Right now, it feels like I'm the only actually feeling anything powerful going on, frustrating and out of control for me.
    him - me
    Sun 02' 48' Cancer - Sun 27' 18' Cancer
    Moon 00' 24' Taurus - Moon 06' 39' Cancer
    Mercury 17' 20' Cancer- Mercury 22' 38' Leo
    Venus 22' 15' Cancer - Venus 16' 51' Cancer
    Mars 27' 48' Virgo - Mars 21' 23' Aquarius
    Jupiter 14' 28' Gemini - Jupiter 26' 37' Scorpio
    Saturn 17' 18' Pisces - Saturn 03' 35' Gemini
    Uranus 11' 17' Virgo - Uranus 09' 52' Libra
    Neptune 17' 30' Scorpio - Neptune 00' 23' Sagittarius
    Pluto 13' 55' Virgo - Pluto 27' 26' Virgo

    1. Hi Ruby, I am happy you found me too:) Mars Pluto conjunction is the most binding sexual aspects that can lead to obsession. As with pretty much all Pluto aspects. However, Mars Pluto is sexual obsession, or a obsession with controlling. Your body rythems are in sync and it's pretty hard to get it out of your mind. As far as the aspects you listed it truly is impossible to say anything outside of how each of you instinctively respond to each other but it really doesnt tell us anything because the houses and the aspects are even more important than the signs alone. Unfortunately Darling, You need to get a reading and have both your charts analyzed along with the synastry and the composite to get any real information. Astrology is very complex there are many different factors involved. You need to know everything there is to know about both people their synastry and their composite to be able to make a intelligent assessment. And that my Dear takes a lot of time:) As far as the aspects for the most part your very compatible, although your Mars in Aquarius may be a little to out of this world for his down to earth fact based virgo. However, their both intellectual signs so i don't see it posing a problem. Again too much missing information! XO

    2. I do not have his time of birth, and seeing as i'm trying not to give away the fact I'm obsessed, I cannot really ask! :) but I'll keep digging... I only once before experienced such an exact pluto aspect with someone, on that occasion it was his pluto exact to my venus. He was much older than me and it was platonic (and plutonic) hard to describe but just an incredibly intense relationship. now it seems I'm learning what its like to be the pluto person.. Thank you so much for your insights on the limited data I provided. Astrology is such a wonderful tool!! x

    3. Lol! I totally understand that.. stay cool:) yikes. I had the Mars Pluto conjunction and I do contribute that aspect to produce amongst many other things, obsessive feelings.. Hopefully you stumble across his birth information so you can begin to maybe understand why your feeling this way, in a worthless attempt to control it.:) ha:)

  57. Oh what you write is "so on the mark"! I have had Mars Pluto in many of my relationships. However, you are also correct on needing to take the whole chart into consideration and of both people. I didn't know this at the time, and I got involved with one that had Mars/Pluto opposition and Pluto Opposite Sun, he was abusive, psychologically and physically. However, others that did not have there own problems in there natal chart, I had some of the most passionate and wonderful times, perhaps some bit marks but that's it. Great write up!

    1. Hi Olivia! Welcome! Yes, all things must be considered, especially in understanding which way this aspect will play out. Thank you for your share!

  58. Great Article (: So I have a question, there is this Scorpio woman that I know, and I am also a Scorpio woman. Things between us have been completely INTENSE since the day that we met, we connect like magnets yet we keep our distance from eachother.. this relationship has a connection that I have never felt with any other person, I can't even look at her without wanting to melt.. lol I decided to look up our synastry charts and found that we have a lot of Pluto aspects. My Pluto Squares her Saturn & Moon, also Conjuncts her Sun, her Pluto, and her Mars.. that's a lot right? Lol On top of that her Pluto is square my Mars. She also has Pluto sextile my Venus. And my Mercury is also Conjunct her Mercury. I just wanted to know what you think of this is relationship, and does the double whammy on our Pluto and mars aspects make a big difference?

    1. Hi Scorpz! You had me at lots of Pluto aspects! Explains the intense attraction and doubly so with the double whammys but I find the conjunctions to be even moreso, just watch for the negative potential because Pluto digs deep and can bring about strong compulsive behaviors that seem to come on suddenly that each of you may or may not have seen coming! There is a lot more to it and the whole chart need to be taken into consideration to give my opinion of the relationship such all other aspects, signs and houses. From the aspects listed with Pluto intense, luring and transformational would be the most I can really say. Her Pluto sextile your Venus is the easier and nicer aspects that can help smooth things out but is not any less powerful.

  59. Hi,

    Great article and one of the few which give details about Mars and Pluto.

    I like to find a little more. What does it says when:
    1) my Pluto opposite her Mars
    2) my Venus square her Pluto

    1. Hi, you know it really depends on the maturity of the pair. But oppositions and squares show conflict. With Pluto it's usually revolving around control issues in its worst it can include vindictive behaviors and lots of drama. Pluto typically tries to control Venus both aspects generate a strong sexual attraction but if not handled with maturity it usually ends quite bad. What Pluto destroys usually remains lifeless and is beyind repair. Hard Pluto aspects usually reflect two people that want to do things their way and aren't very flexible. Just remember it's not necessary to always be in control or right and be supportive rather than competitive. Respect and love go along way with the hard aspects. They are usually quite magnetic but over time you can both end up in a constant battle field if you allow the aspects to bring out the worst.

  60. Hi,

    Do you think relationship with these aspects can last?

    1-His Venus trine my Moon
    2-His Mercury opposition my Moon
    3-His Venus conjunct my Pluto
    4-His Mars conjunct my Pluto
    5-His Pluto opposition my Sun
    6-His Pluto opposition my Mars
    7-his Mercury sextile my Pluto
    8-his Mercury trine my Neptune

    We have intense sexual passion that keeps getting stronger. We do tend to misunderstand each other often which can lead to intense dramatic fights with periods of no contact until one of us (we take turns) apologizes and initiates contact again and passion returns. Been on and off for a looooooong time with him. It can feel like love or hate relationship but I feel love wins out for both of us. Life circumstances prevented us to this day from being together and it's hard to say if long term would work out. Getting older has taught us to be more patient and forgiving with each other and more open and honest and it has helped relations. Would like to know if long term partnership and/or marriage is possible with such aspects. I have a lot of love for him, never loved someone as much as him, never thought about someone as much as him. Really would like for this to work out.

    1. Hi! I wish I could tell you based on those aspects but it's impossible darling. Astrology requires the whole picture taken into consideration in order to see if the relationship will last and the compatibility along with transits. There are far too many different factors that keep two people together or block them. There are some tough aspects you have there but the level of maturity and as you said patience with each other play a large role in weather this relationship will last or not. Love, patience, understanding and flexibility will contribute tremendously to its success and longevity which usually come with maturity:)

  61. Hi,

    would like to know if long term relationship is possible with these aspects.

    1-his Venus trine my Moon
    2-his Venus conjunct my Pluto
    3-his Mars conjunct my Pluto
    4-his Venus sextile my Neptune
    5-his Pluto opposite my Sun
    6-his Pluto opposite my Mars
    7-his Mercury trine my Neptune
    8-his Mercury sextile my Pluto
    9-his Mercury opposition my Moon

    We know each other a long time. Passion keeps burning intensely and keeps getting hotter. We do tend to argue and fight over small stuff because of miscommunication and everyone wants to get their way. We are frequently irritated with each other. Some fights are so dramatic that we go couple years without talking but eventually one of us initiates conflict, we forgive and return to where we left off: Hot Hot sex, intimacy, passion and trust. I never wanted someone as much as him. From the first moment we met, I instantly knew he would be in my life for a long time and sure enough we're approaching 2 decades of being on and off. But life keeps getting in the way of us being together. Is there long term potential with these aspects?

  62. Hello Zahara, I was wondering if you could post or tell me what the aspect would mean if my moon is opposite his pluto.

    Thank you
    And yes, my mars in leo is also square his pluto. Nice article. :)

  63. hello,

    his pluto and mercury conjunct my pluto in libra in my 12th house .. my mars in gemini trine his pluto and his mars in pisces .. im attracted sexually to him ..i dont know he is attracted or not :/

  64. Pluto opposite Mars double whammy and it's tough. I'm in a secret 'relationship' with this guy- north node opposite south node;his south node conjunct my pluto; I've never found myself in this sort of...mess? When we're together it's like heaven. Nit just the physical attraction,which is off the wall - we literally want to eat each other up and thats a first for both of us. Yeah I realise how pathetic I sound. Then we part and get on with our lives. Lots of saturn contacts and moon mars double whammy too. My head says no but...

    1. Oh my..!😱 ..sounds intense and very difficult to have that much desire yet not being able to be together :(

      Wow that's some chemistry, unfortunately Saturn can be so painful when it's blocking these strong passions and desires with his blockages or real world stuff.. Boo! I am sending you strength...:)

    2. I need some super powers with this one!!! ...his Lilith in Taurus (conjunct my mercury and 9 degrees from my sun) my sun, my Lilith in Gemini conjunct his Asc and near his flighty Gemini moon. It's tough. Pluto is starting to transit my descendant so I guess the Universe is playing some games with me...

    3. Hot and spicy.... Indeed you both will:)

  65. I have Mars Conjunct Pluto, and Mars Sesquiquadre Pluto with someone and for some reason I can't seem to deal with him. I want him but fear him at the same time. We have a doozy of Saturn stuff as well (which includes double whammy Moon Saturn Square and Opp), but we also have a sweet Moon Venus (him Moon, me Venus in Taurus) and Neptune Conjunction (him Neptune and me Moon in Cap), so I know things can be sweet between us (not to mention he is a Libra Venus, I'm a 7th house Moon Trine Venus).

    But for some reason I feel like I keep seeing his Mars in Scorpio come out (ie combative and all or nothing and will NOT compromise even for the sake of peace at work...a keyword of Libra). He reacts to everything I do with such strong Martian energy (doesn't help that his Mars in Scorpio aspects my Sun/Asc/Mars in Cancer Conjunction in the 1st), I am aware of that...for instance I like a pic on Instagram...don't follow him and he responds by blocking me (ie taking away the ability for me to follow him). I don't let it bother me, honestly I am probably projecting the Venus energy more. I want to get along and keep the peace, it seems unnatural to be angry at him, and honestly I'd be ok with being friends only (the Moon Venus Conjunction falls in my 11th). I honestly thought he hated me but now he's willing to "think" about doing something for me. Which in itself is not a big deal, but for him it is lol as he can hold a grudge. I am not stupid I know him doing it or not is dependent upon how I behave so I should just be on my best behavior and give him cookies or something (he is a Taurus Moon lol).

    1. You just made me laugh, not that it's funny but it kinda is seeing how powerfully scorpio/pluto plays out, the all or nothing and the cutting off/blocking over not liking a pic made me laugh but I know all about that. Your 11th house placements really does help along with the Venus Moon aspect, because those are really nice between two people and can really make you want to put the effort in. You know 11th house is the house of friends which isn't often given as much credit perhaps as it deserves in both love and friendship nice placements here encourage one to tolerate and put in the effort, and be supportive especially, so maybe like the pic next time ;) Saturn can attract like a magnet the repulse then attract you know the deal:) I do hope it all works out for you:)

    2. Repulse then attract typo:) Thanks for sharing your story:)

    3. Lol my man is also a Taurus moon. 😩 he is soooooo slow sometimes that I want to oh lord! I'm an Aries moon so its very frustrating. Not to mention his Mars is in Libra double procrastination 😫😭

  66. Hi!
    I have a square Mars - Pluto with a guy I am (very) in love with. He is Mars. Even though it was a real passion from the first day we met (I mean, in the first day we ever met in this life we were in the same bed in couple of hours...and i am not an easy woman at all. Even he himself saw that because nothing (sex) happened in that bed and that day and not because I wouldnt have wanted to (I would lie myself) but because of my principles I had to control myself and my impulses...but still, was a passion rollercoaster. And still is! after almost 3 years)
    Aditionally, we have a Venus - Venus conjunct in Scorpio (his Venus is conjunct to his Mercury in there occurs my Venus cj to his Venus*Mercury). Which is lovely. We write each other alot and enjoy our conversations, almost every day we exchange beautiful words even though we are not together as a couple. Due to that Venus cj Venus is probably that sometimes I think I would be able to adore him for the rest of my life.
    He's jealous (even though I belong to him, not physically because of the circumstances, but in my heart i know i belong to him and he knows that too). He brought me few accuses of watching (!!!omg) and smiling to someone else (which i dont remember to have done, so nothing serious for me, i would have remembered). But he is proud enough not to show it that much...i was surprised by his accuses. And in the same time i felt delighted and charmed by his jealousy. I find it very stimulating, it turns me on.
    But, having said all these, do you think it is possible him to turn violent toward me because of jealousy if we start a relationship? I know we have that Mars-Pluto square and he is Mars (but in Aquarius, which is not actually that jealous, on the contrary, maybe?).I admitt sometimes I like to tell him stuff which make him jealous, men usually like and/or admire me and i dont (want to) hold my mouth, i always report him cases of males approaching me (but still, i dont retract what i've said above, i dont remember flirting with someone else in his presence). Maybe because my Mercury in natal is conjuncted with the Pluto he squares with his Mars?
    So yes, there is a Mercury*Pluto (scorp) square Mars (aqu) and a Venus*Mercury conj Venus (both in Scorp).

  67. How do you find this? Yes, Mercury seems to be hardly involved in our "whatever we have". I can say I love his mind (i told him that) and i think this is the most beautiful thing to feel about your loved one: to love his mind (his mind is him, behind all appearences, its like you love his core, the real him). He has been recently quite declarative saying he is fascinated by my intellect. Maybe having Mercury in the same sign contribute to this. (I think those with Mercury in Scorpio feel often some sort of loners with their own wits, hard to be understood by others who can not run the depths of their complicated minds so when they find another Mercury in Scorpio their faces becomes suddenly brighter, now they have a comrade to talk with :D ).
    I wish i had a planet to tickle his Gemini Moon ...but it seems i cant reach that inner side of him. His Moon walk alone through Gemini :( but he touches mine from Sagittarius with his Sun (Libra) in a nice sextile. Maybe thats why its easier for me to talk about what happen inside me, about how i feel, to share amlost everything of what happens there, he has, i could say, a full access to my being (he is more closed). ..and he seems to like what he sees inside as he told me he finds me a perfect human. Which was both flattering and annoying for me, as my Sag Moon has ambitions toward something which is above her in terms of morality, principles, human values, you cant simply tell her she is already perfect. You cant destroy his target just like that!! :)) I mean, you understand what I am saying, dont you?
    Even though we like each other damn much, we are not a couple... and he admitts we would have liked me to be more obedient and submissive to him. But i have my personality and he seems to be kinda scared by the power i stream and which (power) he (probably) thinks he wouldnt be able to handle. As he is proud, he wouldnt accept me to ever control him in some way. But he feels the thrill of my Pluto right in his neck. I feel him. I almost can see his pupil dilating. Haha! :)) (I'm just having fun a little of the situation, I do love him)
    But i love when i see a man trying to be a step above me, a man who doesnt accept someone to violate his masculinity with her power. The more he is acting like this, the more he attracts me! This is a vicious circle because the more he attracts me and i get closer, the more he feels my power and that he cant control me and that makes him feel uncomfortable with the situation.

    Oh, i talk alot. I have my Mars in the 3rd house in this moment precisely being crushed by the Jupiterian energy. So, when i apologize writing so much, you be kind and forgive (and tolerate) me. :D
    But my mind (mercury in scorp) is quite analytic and observing and is able to get to light fine details of human interactions and make connections which would help others, probably.

    PS: there is also a question in my text above which is not rhetorical. I didnt forget it. I hope you neither. :D

  68. I`m experiencing this kind of interaction right now.

    His venus + mars conjunction falls on my 8th, conjunct my jupiter, and opposite my Pluto.
    His moon + neptune conjunction trine my sun + uranus conjunction
    His sun fall on my 7th
    My venus trine his sun + vertex conjunction on his 8th.
    My own vertex is 8 degrees from his sun.
    My moon falls in his 1th.
    My mars trine his Pluto + Saturn conjunction

    Now, what happened: nothing. I´m on my knees for him, and he told my friends he loves the energy I bring and never felt so at ease with someone, but every time I try to get closer, he is cold and dismissive. At first, he told my friends he was still hurt due to his divorce, but now he admited he began to date someone else. I´m feelling so estupid. How come that with all this hot interactions, this is such a one-sided relationship? Maybe the square between saturns?
