Thursday, August 11, 2011


past_life_love___seth_marissa_by_brighterday-d2y96cm.png (441×423)North and South node connections in synastry are very powerful and often fated. The North Node represents our souls goal in this lifetime. It's a point in which we will be pushed by circumstances, and people that usually make connections or aspects to this point. 

The South Node represents our past, early life or where we are comfortable and often fall back to because we are comfortable. The North Node challenges us, to do things differently than what we already know. This is why it's not so easy and often scary to reach our North Nodes. Our North Node is new terrain, new experiences that help develop us further. It's usually the opposite of what we have been doing and what we already know. You can tell a lot by the house placement and the sign one's North Node or South Node are in. Imagine that you will live forever, that reincarnation is true, when we die we re-incarnate and are expected to do things differently, or experience new things. This is what most astrologers believe since we can often see that past lives are seen in Astrology. Let's say you were an English teacher in the last life, You re-incarnated in this one and early on you were always good with English, writing, and speaking. You naturally pursue what you know or what your good at (well it's really a soul imprint or memory within), so again in this lifetime you become a teacher because that's where you are comfortable and have prior lifetime experience, however, your soul is not really growing in experience, perhaps you wanted to be a world traveler or a rocket scientist? So the South Node represents what we already know, based on experience, this includes relationships with others, that we knew in the past.

The North Node is the new direction or life experience, and when we try to fall back on habits of the South Node, we find difficulties, blockages, and frustration. So whether we like it or not, we signed up to reach our North Node lessons. So in synastry when people's planets touch our North Node, depending on the planet they will teach us or push us, lead us, or support us in the area we need. They often have these characteristics, or traits that are beneficial to us if we learn from them. 

The South Node connections often come with a familiar feeling or instant feeling of ease and comfort, however in some cases it can feel like a burden, hard work, or difficult to get off the ground, there may even be a "old feeling" as if you have known each other for years. 

If the past life connection was good there might be  a feeling of " Meant to be".

 South Node connections are often vaguely familiar. However, if the connection is Karmic where one or the other owes the other, then it can feel heavy, burdened and even uncomfortable. 

South Node Connections feel very similar to Saturn Conjunctions, that feel fated, and from the past. Usually the same past issues resurface, making it difficult to move forward together until the issues are worked through.

Saturn is the father of time, and in a conjunction with others personal planets especially Sun, Moon, Mercury or Venus it's likely a past life association to this person for better or worse. The South Node connections are Karmic both good and bad, depending on the Karma with the person. 

These connections are most commonly found within close associates, family members and long-term married couples. However, also seen in Star-Crossed Lovers, whom never seem to get off the ground, or the relationship was karmic or simply served a purpose.

Similarly, the 12th house can bring us our "soul mate" or enemy, it all depends on the Karma, the Nodes work much the same. While these connections are not always romantic, many of them are, but can also be people you meet to help or inspire, support or guide towards each others life's purpose. 

The South Nodal contacts are frequently thought of as holding the person back because in a sense you have already "been there done that", and sometimes the feeling oddly changes to frustration, or simply indifference after some time has passed or the Karma has been worked off.
As time passes one or both begin to feel they need more. 

People that make a close aspect with one of their personal planets to our South Node, can sometimes cause us anxiety or a feeling of unease, if this is the state there might be some Karma that needs to be worked out. 

Past life connections are not always positive.

In the case with the positive South node contacts, which are often seen in married couples or soul mate couples this is usually when the severance occurred as a result of outside forces, or no doing of their own. 

They met again, to finish out their love saga. 

North and South Node contacts are tricky some are good and some not so good, especially with the Conjunctions or Squares. The Trines and Sextiles are typically positive and easy going experiences.

North Node connections are people that come into our life to help us learn new lessons. They instill a sense of new and are not always comfortable at first.

These people, introduce you to a part of yourself you may not have known until you met them.

In the case of The North node conjunct, Sun-The sun person has a way of bringing out the best in the NN person. The attraction was likely instant. You both felt a powerful pull to one another as if you are aware that this person has a lot to show you. 

The Sun person will be highly complimentative of the Node person, increasing the node person's self-esteem. The sun person will say and do things that make the node person open up their potentials.  

Sun and south node connections in synastry are said to be a male figure from your past ranging from a superior your father, government official, or employer, it can also represent a brother, cousin but more than likely a man you looked up to. 

The moon south node conjunction in synastry is representative of a mother-child relationship, wife, sister, or woman in your life in which you perhaps needed healing from the past. 

Venus connections are future or past life lovers and typically they are unusually romantic. These connections are familiar and depending on how the relationship was severed, will indicate the level of comfort between you or not.

 If the relationship was that of betrayal or some other malicious intent, then your interaction may produce feelings of uneasiness and experience an unrequited love or a heartbreak. If the Karma is good, or in your favor then you are in luck.

To read even more into the North and South Node in synastry, you must be a Private Member. Click here to gain access by becoming a member. or to find out if you have a soul-mate or karmic relationship you can order a personal reading on my consultations page. 



  1. Wow, that's why i knew i met this person before. Everything was so familiar. We had our moons conjunct our south node. Double Whammy.

  2. Jason I too experienced this. It's very familiar. It's scary but i say ride it out and see what becomes of it. The more time you spend together the stronger the familiarity gets. Eventually you will start to see the reason for your meeting! Good Luck and keep me up to date!

  3. I recently met a man that i found so familiar. We went out a few times and i swear i knew him before. He kept looking at me saying "gosh are you sure we haven't met before. I was like, you feel the same way? Anyhow, I went to look at our charts and in synastry my sun conjunct his south node and his moon conjuncts my south node to the exact 0 degree. When i found this out it made perfectly good sense. It's a strange feeling. I heard negative things about the south node person holding you back. I am not certain if that will be the situation but I can say that we almost feel too comfy sometimes this is 5 months later. Still early to feel like I already know him and there is not much to find out. We will see, I am interested in hearing about anyone else that has a south node connection and what happened with them. Thanks for your great articles!


    1. If anyone else want's to share they're experience with South Node connections please do:)

    2. Hello Leah, i have the experience,my moon with his south node. At the beginning he was the love of my life, 12 years after I'm not feeling the same way. Exactly as astrology explain the contact, now I'm feeling suffocated. But, remember, it depends of the karma. Good luck!

  4. i've this aspect with a guy i know.
    We are friends but still attracted to each other.
    His Sun opposite to my NN,then his NN conjunct with my Venus,Mars - 2°

    Interesting,isn't : )

    1. REPOSTED: ZAHARASTAR Original Response was August 2, 2013 at 8:55 AM

      Hi Sra! Yes that is interesting..!because of both north and south node being activated by personal planets. The Sun perhaps being he reminds, carries himself, or presents himself in a manner that reminds of you someone from your past or a familiar feel? however, the NN connections with Venus and Mars are indicating short lived in this life, because the lesson in love(Venus) and Mars (sex) (in a romantic relationship i use those two representative planets because, they are the two most potent drives in love:) NN contacts are to pull you closer to your path they are usually experiences that make you feel somehow contained to help re-believe in love in it's real form; not hold onto, south node (Past, Karma). Also indicating a relationship in the Future (NN) which are not to be lived out in this life but perhaps the next? Also North and South node connections are hard to let go of, it feels like there is a purpose to the meeting, or on a similar path, something makes you want to stay in contact. He may even be consciously aware that you are from his future not his past:) Depending on his level of intuition and sensitivity to the metaphysical and spirituality. I am interested in hearing your take on how it feels actually being in it:)

  5. Hi Zaharastar,

    Great blog! I've been looking for information on north node squares vs conjunctions, and came across your post.

    Do you have any info on north node squares, and how are they different from conjunctions? How would a relationship with a north node square feel, compared to the north node conjunction relationship?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. REPOSTED: ZAHARASTAR Original ANSWER WAS August 11, 2013 at 1:28 PM

      Hi Anonymous! Thanks for visiting! The squares in my opinion are very similar to a conjunction. The pull is very strong, and it's ongoing. The square to the NN is a very powerful learning lesson, that makes you feel almost like you need this person to learn. Squares and conjunctions to the Nodes are often found in long term relationships and are often Karmic. In my personal experience, I learnt a lot from those relationships. I have the square with my current bf with his Venus and my NN. I feel he has so much to teach me about love and this time, I might listen:) I have been stubborn with these connections in the past. I thought Id try differently this time:) If it is your node that is being squared by his planet then in my experience "it is YOUR lesson to learn, if it is his node then it is his lesson.If you both listen to your lessons and stay open. This aspect is found in most Soul-mate relationships:)

  6. Hi Zaharastar,

    Great blog! I love the articles and have been reading them voraciously. My comment is about a woman I met and we can't seem to be away from each other for very long, very intense feelings on both sides. We have a synastry double whammy north node conjunct ascendant. Any comment about what to expect? Thanks much.

    1. Reposted: Illume Astrology Original response August 27, 2013 at 1:27 PM
      Hi Anonymous! Thanks for reading! IMO Double Whammy's are the most powerful connections it's like a window to each other's soul mutually. Involving the NN, this is especially true.

      The ASC is known as the looking glass, how we experienced life through what lense. However, it is also representative of our life purpose. This would mean that the both of you would feel a powerful connection based on a "strong feeling" of purpose and fate. Which is true, their is a karmic reason why you met each other, undoubtedly for what reason? and what purpose you would need to look at what house the NN is in the composite and your personal NN individually. Regardless their will be a sense of purpose to your meeting that carries with it a strong feeling of belonging, similarity and comfort that will be hard to let go of and will be carried out, long into the future.

      This would tell me that you both are in the right place for this meeting. Since it is a double whammy I would also believe that this could be somewhat of a "Twin Flame" meeting. Where you both have a common goal, and feed each other exactly what you each need. A very stong feeling of belonging "of the same tribe"

  7. Hi!
    I'm loving your blog!Do you have any more information about the nodes?
    I have a friend whose mercury and venus conjunct my north node. His mars squares it, and his ascendant is conjunct my south node. His north node, on the other hand, is sextile my venus and chiron. Is this relationship karmic?

  8. Hi Anonymous sorry for the delay.. hmmm, He would make you feel very comfortable maybe even a familiar voice or at least one that is soothing to you. He has something about love to teach you, pay attention to what that is..I am not certain it's Karmic in the typical sense, but it would be a indication that he was incarnated in a similar way that you have been in this life the last time around. I would also say that this relationship with him friend or lover will be very healing to you. Making you stronger in yourself and what you expect from love.:) Thanks for reading!

  9. Hi I was wondering about south node conjunct Saturn(double whammy) with my eros. Also his moon conj my NN . I feel the saturnian effects alot and we always randomly run into each other.

  10. Hi,
    I have a question about mars and sun square the nodes in synastry. What does it mean and how does it manifest in synastry? TIA

  11. my NN conjunct his eros in Leo on his 7th house and in my 3th house. I sometimes met him or his family member accidentally. We seem have similar connection. I have stellium in my 3rd house and he has his stellium on his 5th house. I feel deep connection with him even he's unavailable. I feel that he'll contact me in future.Many unsettled business happened in this connection. Maybe this NN connection related to this situation. How's your opinion about this?

  12. Ok it's time i write more about the nodes:) Sorry if i haven't gotten back to everyone, I'm usually pretty good about it:)North node connections are very important and very powerful, so I am on it now. Check back later:)

  13. I have powerful planets including sun, moon and mercury conjunct my north node in Leo. This placement which proved from the past studies is consider very lucky. How's your opinion about this placement?

  14. Hi Aida, Yes indeed! What house is your north node in? and do you have any other aspects made to the north node or the south?

  15. I have Leo stellium including sun, moon, mercury and north node in my 3rd house. My south node is Aquarius which in my 9th house. Now I'm a successful lecturer in the university. =). Does this related on this astrology placement? I'm always drawn and feel deeply in love with most Gemini guy.

  16. Yes Aida, it is fortunate because the north node is your life path, when your own natal planets make aspects to it. The deal is that you incarnated, with the talents and abilities to fulfill your life path because you carried over talents from your past life(south-node Very fortunate you have a shorter distance to travel so to speak:)

  17. I was curious about a person I met once. His Mercury, Venus and Juno all conjunct my SN, while my Moon and Juno conjunct his NN. Any ideas about what that could mean?

    1. Hi blkroseprincess:) Thank you for your question, the whole chart would need to be considered to see the bigger picture because the house placements, and aspects to the planets help depict and shape the answer. Outside of general aspect by aspect description I can't really say much. Venus Conjunct South Node is usually a powerful connection, that may be from a past life. Your Moon Conjunct his North Node, you will probably meet again to find out, the North Node is of the future, or forward path. You could help him emotionally perhaps by being supportive, a place of comfort for him. He will feel emotionally supported and probably more confident to pursue his path as a result.

  18. Hello! I've been wondering about aspects between myself and someone I know: his Mercury, Venus, Lilith and Juno all conjunct my SN, while my Moon, Juno and Descendant conjunct his NN. What does this mean?

    1. Hi Laura, Sorry for the delay. As with Blkroseprincess above, there are many other factors that need to be taken into consideration to see what it would mean for the two of you. The houses and the aspects to the planets are missing, and would change the interpretation. I won't be able to comment more than what I wrote above or other than general aspect definitions. There is too much missing information. Those are very powerful connections, definitely sounds like there was some past life relationship with him. He can benefit from something you do normally, or naturally perhaps on a emotional level as I wrote for blkroseprincess. However, it most certainly seems your roots are in the past and you have unfinished business.

  19. Oh my gosh - I've been scouring the Internet for an age trying to find info on NN/SN aspects. This is awesome!

    So, of course - I've a chart to ask about. Here goes:

    R has Capricorn sun and Venus conjunct in 5th house. H has Cancer Sun, Jupiter conjunct in Cancer. These are in perfect opposition to each other. Also, H has her moon in Cancer with a weak opposition to R's moon/Venus. Next - H's Venus is conjunct hers AND R's Saturn, which falls on R's Ascendant in a perfect conjunction.

    Both R's and H's NN is in Libra (in R's 2nd house) and Both SN's are in Aries (R's 8th house).

    All this said, here's the kicker: R's sun/Venus is in perfect squares to H's NN/SN, and H's Sun/Jupiter are ALSO in perfect squares to R's NN/SN. Other Node aspects: H's moon is squared to R's NN, both R and H's Plutos are conjunct each other's NN, both R and H's Neptunes are sextile to each other's NN, H's Venus is sextile R's NN and trine his SN, and R's Moon is sextile H's SN and Trine her NN.

    If this isn't a fated relationship in the most extreme of "meant to be" ways there is no justice in the universe.

    Any input on these aspects? Any other info needed?

    1. Hi Thanks for reading! The Nodes in synastry when activated are very powerful connections, and often karmic which can be old karma to be worked out with the SN past life ties, or to pull you out of your comfort zone by showing you new things to break you out of old patterns helping you evolve towards your North Node. However, like always all aspects need to be considered in the entire chart, and especially all aspects being made to the planets making aspect with the nodes. This would require a analysis and for that you would need to order a reading. Astrology is complex as you can see, and it's far too long of a comment to define aspect by aspect because you listed many. Some aspects alter others or negate them entirely, so the whole chart must be looked to give a proper analysis, you can visit my consultations page if you are interested in me doing so. Thank you:)

  20. I thanks again for another good read.

    I have a sun conjunct moon synastry aspect with a man.
    He is the sun and I am the moon.

    could his Sun conjunct any of my Moon nodes because of the aspect.

    And if that is the case, how can I know if his sun conjuncts any of my moon nodes.

    1. Hi Sas Tom! Thank You:) The Moon Nodes are known as the North and South Node it's not the same to have Sun conjunct Moon. Sun Conjunct Moon is a very nice aspect to have, regardless. However, In your birth chart, it would look like a U or similar symbol to Leo, I can't add it here to show you, it won't let me. So you would look for aspects from Yours or His planets, Sun, Moon, Venus ect.. to this symbol in the natal chart. On they don't actually show the South Node symbol, although it's not shown it is Opposite the North Node so the sign that your North Node is in, the South Node would is directly Opposite( in the Opposite Sign.) You should be able to google, the symbol of the North Node and then look for it in your charts and see if any planets aspect this symbol:)

  21. Hi

    This is one amazing article I just found today about NN/SN placements. I was looking for an illustrative writeup on this and this article is the exact one.

    Thanks to Illume for sharing your knowledge.

    I have question about my NN/SN placement.
    I am a Virgo Asc was born in a full moon day.My NN is in 12th house Leo with Retro Saturn. My SN is in 6th house (as usually) in Aquarius with Venus.
    Some additional placements : Moon and Asc together in Virgo.
    Sun, Mercury and Mars all together in 7th house Pieces, Exalted Jupiter in 11th Cancer (in Saturn's star).

    Situation in life : I have gone thru a self realization of sort (Don't know why how etc. it was just some flash and some speech from inside) in 2012 thru which my consciousness has elevated. It gradually changed my thought process, relationship and the way I see life. Regarding career, I am currently into Information Technology as profession but it leaves me with a void full of dissatisfaction. I am very close to quitting this career. When I think about an alternative, I am not able to find anything. Sometimes I feel like leaving everything and go for a complete seclusion but if I watch out my chart, my SN probably will hint that I have already led a life of seclusion in my past lives. Based on my NN placement, I think I should focus on taking a lead at work. Here comes the struggle, because I have come to realize (maybe thru my past lives) that I dont have to be a leader and I am very happy with just doing anything or NOTHING, that is to take the path of seclusion or to do a simple job like gardening etc but definitely not a leader in IT company.

    Now, I am not sure what to do. Can you advice as to what should I do in my profession?

    I am very deeply inclined to spiriatuality (not religious:-)) and have got the feeling that I am surely an old soul. I don't find much attraction and interest towards the worldly pleasure. I don't have a strong ego too and can easily mix with people from all walks of life. I know that life is a learning experience and we all are here in the school.But I really don't want to wander for long to find the right path and hence need some astro guidance.
    I feel, I will eventually move to a deserted place and spend time in doing meditation alone but I also feel that its not the right time to go for it as I will hear the call inside me for the move. :-)

    Thanks so much to all !!

    1. Hi Om! Thank you for reading:) From what you write it sounds very typical for a 12th house North Node along with Saturn. And actually having your South Node in the 6th in Aquarius does not indicate that you took time out, but rather the opposite that you carry over the "Aquarian Technology knowledge" and 6th house perfectionism, attention to details, and more of a rational logical approach. In which the 12th North Node calling want's you tap into your more mystical, and spiritual side, relying less on logic and the details and more on the intangible, faith but also taking time out, and getting in touch with the inner you. However, without looking at your Whole Chart, I can't really say much more because all things need to be taken into consideration Your last sentence screams Saturn in the 12th and North Node in the 12th as well as much of what you have stated. So, It seems you are heading toward your North Node on your own a natural gravitation:)

  22. Hi there!
    Great article! I have a quick question for you. My North Node Squares his North Node AND my South Node squares his South Node. lol
    Could you tell me exactly what that indicates please? I can't find much information on it. Much appreciated.

    1. Sounds like you met again to carry out something that you couldn't in the past, you hit a cross roads. You need to work through these things this time again, perhaps the lesson is harder for the both of you because of other incompatibilities. I would need to see both charts and the whole picture really say, there's a lot of info in the charts.

  23. What does it mean if his North node is in my South node?

    1. He can gain much in terms of his life direction from you:)

  24. Hi, i have NN aries conj. my Lilith and conj. my partners NN. What is mean? Thanks

  25. Hello Zahara Star,
    My friends seventh house Venus conjuncts my seventh house Moon+South Node.
    And my ninth house Venus conjuncts his ninth house Mercury+South Node.
    We are very close friends ...but I also keep picking out other vibes from him too. Plus hes VERY kind and nice to me..uncharacteristically. And I met him at the time I was just gettong my divorce .
    Can you please shed some light about this synastry pattern:)
    Thanks for your brilliant article:)

    Warm Regards,

    1. Hi AQUSCORP- Indeed those are some wonderful aspects that will make for a very close connection which with the South Node often involves a past life connection and especially since it's going both ways. Usually South Node connections are extremely comfortable, but not always it depends on whether the connection was a positive one or not. Since it involves Venus and the Moon which is one of the most if not the most pleasant and supportive aspects two can have. The timing of meeting him while you were going through a divorce has some importance as well all things work together including timing!, but without seeing the rest of the charts and other aspects I can't say for sure. South Node connections are quite powerful but can sometimes be hard to get off the ground, other times they feel so comfortable neither one of you can resist. It all depends on each others Karma, timing, and individual natal charts for any potential blockers etc..

  26. Hello Zahara Star,
    Thank you for your insight. To me it does seem that we would remain close friends. Also you are right ...he looks for life direction from me. Though I just found out another conjunction...his second house Saturn conjunct my second house Mars.

    Warm Regards,

  27. Hello Zahara Star,
    I have a question... I have a friend, wich I have a little romantic interest and I have been seeing our synastry, and I found that my sun and mars make a square to her north node, my mercury and uranus make a sextile to her north node, my pluto conjuncts her north node... on her side, her venus makes a semi-sextile to north node, her uranus and neptune make squares to my north node and her ascendant makes a conjunct to my south node... does it mean something karmic? I would like to understand...
    Oh by the way, your article is really good...

    1. Hi, Thanks for stopping by and for reading, unfortunately I just don't have the time to answer so many personal aspects here any longer. Outside of the North Node is expansive and new energy, and the South Node connections are old patterns, comfortable but not as expansive, things can feel old or stagnant after time. Of course not always, I would need to see the whole picture to make a proper assessment and why the aspect by aspect interpretations are very general.

      I am updating and adding a lot more currently and I will be writing on planet aspects to the North and South Node very soon so I can address them for all, in a general sense of course.

  28. So what does it mean when someone's south node conjuncts someone else's vertex?

  29. Not quite sure if I can get a response about my question, I'm not so good with astrology, just learning now. I have a Virgo male friend,,I am a Pisces female, really attracted to him, i can literally read his mind and his feelings, its kinda scary,my question is , I have four placements in Virgo could this be the reason for this attraction.

  30. Not quite sure if I can get a response about my question, I'm not so good with astrology, just learning now. I have a Virgo male friend,,I am a Pisces female, really attracted to him, i can literally read his mind and his feelings, its kinda scary,my question is , I have four placements in Virgo could this be the reason for this attraction.

    1. Hi Thanks for stopping by, I am sorry for the delay! I wouldn't be able to say. It could be, such as if his Virgo is in the 12th house putting your Virgo planets in his 12th house but also, South Node connections and honestly there are numerous other combinations outside of these that could contribute to this. Unfortunately, I couldn't say for sure why this might be happening I would have to see the whole picture.

  31. What happen if my partner's north node and venus gemini is in my 12 th house? Does he secretly crush on me? He seems to ' see' me very well.

    1. Yes it absolutely can mean a secret crush, or secret motive on the negative. However with the North Node he can learn a lot about spirituality from you and it might be part of the purpose for your meeting:)

    2. and.... it could also be that he was a past life lover, and you might dream about him often.

    3. Past life lover? Means that he was same as my ex admirer in my younger years? It is a coincidenc?

    4. Yep!most certainly can be! there are some experiencing karmic or relationship similarities love interests in early years. Patterns that are very similar between partners from the past, today.:) Past life, or early life are both applicable.

  32. His sun is conjunct my North Node in capricorn. We've known each other for a year as friends. Sex has never been pleasurable due my upbringing and insecurities. We talked, met up and had I had the most pleasurable experience I've ever had.

    But I hate that I did that, because now I feel this new found confidence and I want more from him. His mars is also opposite my moon. His mars is in my 7th house. My moon is in his 8th house.
    The feeling I felt wasn't love, but it was definitely a depth of attraction I've never felt with anyone.
    Now I'm not sure, what I should do. What my path should be or if I should look for someone else.

    1. I would think with the Sun North Node, you could very well have the opportunity to further things, however it's not always true so I would need to see the whole chart. Your Moon in his 8th explains the depth of attraction you have for him. If he is a positive force in helping you with your confidence, that's a good thing!

  33. Hi.His n node conjucts my mercury,in 5 house for both.Also my sun and south node are in my 5 house.So in my 11 house where i have mynorth node he has his south node.i think its helpfull since our past experiences help the each other to evolve.Is it correct?

    1. Hi Kay! Thanks for visiting:) Yes, you each bring something to the other in which each can benefit by learning more of and applying to each of your lives, in balance. In your case, it's your creative communication abilities, self expression, and individualization. He will expose you and have strong inspiration and experience coming from the group perspective and the importance of working in unison together as a team, or about friendship, being part of a group. He will also be supportive of your hopes and wishes, and can help you manifest them.

  34. I've my moon conjunct his SN and his mars conjunct my SN. Yes I did have a feeling like " I want to take care of you" and he seemed to know me too well especially my sexual style that I didn't even know myself. The sex was out of this world between us. The problem was I couldn't trust him no matter how much he tried to show me that he's serious about me. I had this unexplainable fear and angry towards him like I've never felt for anyone. I tried to pull away while he tried to chase after me. Now that we broke up.... to be honest I feel more at ease with myself. But I've discovered my sexual desires thanks to him (maybe because Mars-SN connection?). Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful article :)

  35. Your very Welcome Darling! the Node connections can really work either way, with the South Node there may be some Karma to be worked out and why you unconsciously feel anger or fear with him. Without seeing the whole chart I really can't say for sure. Thank you for visiting and sharing your story:)

  36. Thank you so much for this article! Like others have said, it's hard to find much info on the nodes.. to which I'm much appreciative!! Also your puzzle piece analogy really put some things into perspective for me! :)

    I have two questions. What would it mean for one person's Sun/SN conjunction (3 minutes) to be conjunct within 3 degrees to my AC in Aries? And also what is the meaning in past life and present for a Double Whammy Mercury Squared each others Nodes mean? My Mercury is 2 minutes squared her SN/Sun (our tightest aspect) and Her Mercury is 3 degrees squared my nodes. What would the general meanings of these be? This is with my cousin who I haven't met since I was a baby..and just recently met her and I got this really eerie feeling that I couldn't put my finger on.. Any insight would be great!

    Thank you again,

    1. Hi Aubry, Thank you for visiting and I apologize for my long delay, I try to get back to everyone but now a days it's near impossible because I get so busy. So, I hope my readers understand:)
      Anyway, Yes, the charts are puzzles and honestly you need to really take all things into consideration to conclude specifically what the past life relationship was, it simply can not be done by aspect by aspect.

      There is so much to Astrology as you can already see. The degree of your Ascendant matters to see what her 3 degrees to it means.

      In general south node connections are past life relationships, the planets involved play a role and the aspects made along with the whole overall theme of the charts.

      Generally speaking Mercury usually indicates a relationship in early childhood, youth, siblings or a neighbor ect.. mutual reception with the aspects such as mutual square reflects intellectual differences or a lesson to be learned from one another through your different perceptions, but also the double whammy says the lesson is for both of you as well as reflecting a unusual psychic connection which is usually a result of knowing one another in a past life. It's familiar so you can understand each other. Also if you were siblings the psychic connection could be passed on through genetics, it's too complicated to write here sorry! all this can be discovered in a past life reading where the focus is specific and deciphered through analyzing both charts and all the necessary charts.

      As for now it's really only general information that I can give. What I can say is that the Sun aspects with South Node are generally Male, or someone in authority or Father, but even then that's just one of the many possibilities !! it could be that in the past the Sun person was someone that inspired the South Node person or helped them in areas of confidence, inspiring them to express themselves for freely. BUT..then again, you need to see how the Sun is aspected as well, it it is poorly aspected it could have been a negative influence where there was jealousy or suppression of the others confidence.

      To hard to say here dear, I really can't say without seeing the whole picture, sorry.

  37. Thanks for the fascinating article! This is really helpful info and matches my experience—I’m researching a double whammy exact Mars square to the nodes (his also square my Pluto) with someone I've spent a lot of time near every day for a few years (not together—he's married); this gives us composite Mars precisely conjunct the south node at critical-degree 29°59' Cancer (so, composite NN in Capricorn, conjunct Sun/Venus which thus also oppose Mars). Each of us also has a critical-degree nodal axis in the natal chart. In synastry, among many other contacts we have an exact Sun-Sun opposition (Aries/Libra), 1° Saturn-Saturn (Taurus-Scorpio) opposition, his Mars conjunct my Moon and opposing my Venus, which is also conjunct his Saturn and square his Pluto. We had an instant and mutual strong attraction that I don’t think anyone else picks up on, and apparently have a psychic dream connection as well, which is very soothing, loving, physical but not s*xual. Considering the south node connection in the composite, could we have been opponents or enemies (Mars) in a past life who came together in this one to resolve our differences? Given the strongly posited nodal contacts, it feels like this is a critical task. Without getting too much more detailed here, asteroids (especially Karma, Psyche/Eros, Nessus/Dejanira, and name asteroids) have really helped shed light on the particulars, with a few strong Chiron contacts from which I gather that we have between us some significant old wounds to heal, and that I'm currently being called to repay karmic debt—perhaps literally, as on the face of it we have a business relationship in which I do indeed pay him. Right now some powerful transits are heightening the underlying psychic tension, though—maybe some sort of additional resolution or reparation is required, as Sun-Venus on the NN in the composite 8th might indicate? But clearly, circumstances are such that the challenge is to avoid worsening that karmic debt while trying to resolve it. With transiting Merc currently square my natal Pluto, I'm reminded to use knowledge (in this case astrological) only for the highest good and not to manipulate a situation behind the scenes! Besides the NN, where would you look in the synastry and composite charts for clues about the path toward resolution? You also mentioned the 12th house—would someone else's 12th house or 12th house ruler in one's own chart have bearing on this?

    1. Hi Elle! Yes! you are on the right track and what you are doing is a perfect example of what we do as Astrologers. However, I need to see charts to truly say it's really the only way, because aspect by aspect is never accurate their are too many factors at play and some aspects override others, and some enhance, the whole chart(s) need to be analyzed. But yes you are very versed and approaching it as Astrology should be. Great job!

      The 12th house plays heavily in karma and past lives, it rules this area and Yes the rulers and their positions along with planets, the node positions and aspects made to all, to understand more clearly.

      However, simply said: all karmic implications can be rectified through being kind and doing good for one another. Bad Karma is burned off through good behavior, love, respect and kindness overcomes all, and releases karmic implications.

    2. Wow, thanks, Zahara Star! Astrology feels to me like learning an incredibly complex new language as an adult, and it's great to have affirmation that I'm starting to be able to feel my way around in the dark a bit :) I've only been studying it more seriously for a couple of years, but I've been reading tarot for about fifteen years, and it feels like a natural pairing.

      As you point out, the whole-chart picture has to be analyzed, just as cards in tarot readings have individual and paired but also overall meanings; and it's only when you make the leap from seeing the trees to seeing the forest that you can probably trust yourself to consistently navigate the better-traveled paths without getting too lost. I look forward to getting to that point with astrology! Meanwhile the infinite and intricate byways are so much fun to explore :)

      After posting earlier I wanted to see if I'd had the double-whammy Mars-square-nodes connection with anyone else I know, and flew through the sixty or so charts I've compiled of family, friends, etc, searching just the nodal aspects. This particular aspect was unique among them, but I quickly discovered that, at least in my sample, nodal connections tended to be stronger and to occur with multiple planets and angles in long-lasting relationships of all kinds—with notable exceptions in a couple of very close relationships, and for those I kept digging until I found them in the Davison composite chart in both cases (but not in the midpoint composite).

      But ah, yes—you and Thoreau are so right. Simplify, simplify. I love your summation of karmic redress, and by that standard Mars–Nodes DW and I have been managing the karmic aspect just fine for several years so far. I probably just need to sit tight and wait for these transits to move on!

      The endless fascination of both astrology and tarot (as well as numerology, psychology, and all the esoteric metaphysical systems that strive to reveal us to ourselves) reminds me of a favorite Gibran quote—"For self is a sea boundless and measureless. Say not, 'I have found the truth,' but rather, 'I have found a truth.' Say not, 'I have found the path of the soul.' Say rather, 'I have met the soul walking upon my path.' For the soul walks upon all paths. The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed. The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals."

      And isn't it wonderful to get to watch it bloom?

    3. So very beautifully written, your thoughts and mine are closely knit. I love the way you think- and I agree completely! Thank you very much for your thoughts and feedback:)

  38. Hi there, Iam wondering about vertex square North node in synastry. Thank you for any insight.

    1. Hi, the Vertex tends to bring about people in which we would benefit from by incorporating some of there traits represented by the planet or in your case the North Node. The North Node person would bring about traits in which you will find you admire and can learn much from. It also can indicate that it was destiny that the two of you crossed paths, atleast for the Node person to meet the Vertex person. The houses would depict more and the signs on the houses as well.

  39. hello ,

    saturn square north node and south node whats is the meaning this aspects ?
    his saturn sagittarius square my north node pisces and south node virgo
    my saturn scorpio square his nn verseau and souht node leo ..
    thanks you so much


  40. Does my north node and stellium in 2nd house attract taurus people ? Or I attract to them.

    1. Well, it should certainly attract you money!and people who contact your North Node will help you develop stronger values and contribute to your earning potential or the things you own, earn or have. The 2nd house is the house of I have, usually what you own, or buy, earn or acquire.

  41. What about Moon conjunct North Node in Synastry? I actually have this with a girl I like (fallen HARD for her), and we have this conjunction. We have a "double whammy" of this too. My Moon and her NN are conjunct, her Moon and my NN are conjunct. From the little I could find, this is apparently a very intense EMOTIONAL attraction. Thoughts?

    1. Hi! It's no surprise you have fallen hard this is a very intuitive emotional and supportive aspect. Being mutual in the double whammy is even more potent and clearly indicates you will both feel a powerful pull to one another and will be a emotionally invested, supportive and very willing to go above and beyond for one another. You each play a strong role in enlightening one another's life path and there is much to learn from one another. Other aspects to the Moon and within the synastry would describe further but there will be a dedication to one another's well being and it should be quite passionate and mutually sensitive to each other's feelings as well as potential to intuit what one another is feeling. Lovely aspect!

  42. i met a girl and when i saw her it seemed that, i mean the perception came as she could understand me better way in all aspects and i got the urge to surrender myself to her. in chart her mars conjucting my venus and her south node also conjucting my sun and mars.

  43. Funny little story.

    A guy I used to be obsessed with for 3 years back when I was 13 couldn't stand me, it felt as though he was extremely drawn to me but still didn't like me, we used to pick on each other a lot and seemed as though he would avoid any real contact with me I eventually got over him although it was extremely painful for me, after him I started to like a guy who was 2 years younger and it was so strange I was really drawn to him and we had a pleasant friendship my feelings were strong but not obsessive like with the first guy, we eventually also parted ways. I'm 23 now and recently got into astrology and looked up my synastry with them both. The first guys Venus conducted my south node with a tight orb of 0 and his south node conjucted my moon and his mars squared my north node. I'm guessing we were lovers and he screwed me over big time, it doesn't help the my moon is opposite my NN and I always felt like I was stuck emotionally in the past and meeting the first guy was like ripping of an old band aid I never knew I had. The second guys Venus conjucts my NN orb 0 and his Uranus squares it. Now I'm in a happy relationship with the love of my life who has a couple of planets fringing my NN. But I still wonder if the second guy was there to help subconsciously get over the first guy or if it was an indication of a future love? It was such a strange circumstance,the second guys brother was really good mates with the first guy and couldn't stand me so he would pick on us but he never seemed to care he always liked me for me. So strange and the coincidence of it all makes me shiver!

    I did a regression a few weeks ago that showed me I was with someone in the past and they left me and I was miserable for the rest of my life and distanced myself from everyone, especially my family. My Gemini south node is in my 4th house of cancer and I have a moon in Gemini and have always tried my best to make connections with people and not be so distant, gosh it's amazing how it all works! And how far I've come in life from feeling alone and strangely abandoned to now feeling more whole and complete with myself.

  44. My NN is in Taurus and Im a Libra sun. His NN is Libra and his sun is Taurus. The connection is intense.

  45. I've got a girl's Venus conjuncts my south node in Aries. My Saturn conjuncts my south node but I can't run away from responsibilities, and her Venus conjuncts her south node but she can't disown her Venus traits, we're so attracted to each other, I'm cancer she's Pisces so we both believe in soulmates. But I don't know if it's gonna last, please help me
