Sunday, November 6, 2016

Synastry: Sun in the houses

Sun in Partners 1st house

This usually points to two people that have much in common, and they may express themselves similarly. The Sun person would likely encourage the house person to be more expressive or to take more action. This can be an active relationship where they both enjoy spending time together doing things. The Sun person will feel comfortable with the house person like they can be themselves around them. Your approach to life may be similar and because of this, you can have a lasting relationship whether it's love or friendship. Other aspects would need to support this but generally, it shows two like personalities, that get along well and encourage each other to be themselves.

Sun in Partners 2nd house

This is the house of Venus which includes, diplomacy, passion, sensuality, security, love, and acquisition. The Sun person may want to impress the 2nd house person and might help the house person financially or with gifts. This position indicates a warmth between the two and may even point to a certain amount of possessiveness if this is a romantic relationship.

The house person may see many talents in the Sun person and vice versa, they usually will be very complimentative and both people may feel a stronger sense of self-worth as a result of this relationship.

Of course, other aspects need to support this but generally this can be a mutually beneficial interaction. The Sun person may offer advice to the house person in ways that they can increase their finances. This is a good position for two people in a working relationship as well.

If this is a romantic relationship there is generally a lot of attraction to each other, or a feeling that the two might be better working together toward a common goal. It can be a very supportive relationship and they both might learn a lot about there talents through this relationship as well.

Sun in your Partners 3rd

This is a mentally stimulating placement, where the couple has an understanding of the way the other thinks. They may enjoy communicating often and sharing ideas with each other. One may remind the other of a sibling, but this is not always the case. They both will respect each other's mind and can work well together on writing projects. When together they may enjoy walking around the neighborhoods and visiting local shops. This is a highly communicative placement but also active. The Sun person may be able to offer advice or help with all areas involving transportation, communication, technology, writing or speaking. This is a good position for a love relationship because the two of you will get each other, and have lot's to talk about.

Sun in Partners 4th house
Listen to the Audio interpretation for Sun in the 4th click here

This placement indicates the possibility for a very close relationship in which you both are very supportive of each other. There is generally a certain amount of comfort between the two, so much so that you share much about your families and early childhoods with each other. The Sun person is likely to feel very at home with the house person. In some cases, either person might recognize similarities in the other with someone in their family. It's also possible that they live together at some point even if this is not a romantic relationship there is a familial type bond, that if one needs help at some point the other will likely offer.

In a romantic relationship, this is a very nice position for living together and having a family but other aspects would need to support this as well.

Sun in Partners 5th house

The house person will see the Sun person as fun and the two will enjoy many good times together (of course if other aspects allow). The Sun person might encourage the house person to be more expressive and creative. This does not always point to a romantic affair, although it is the house of romance, it can point to friends that you simply get along with and have lots fun with, going to parties, playing games, or entertaining others. The house person might also provide the Sun person with a safe place to express themselves, and be supportive of any creative endeavors the Sun person might be interested in. This is typically a fun placement, if this is romance then the two of you will have a lot of fun together, but you may also negatively try to compete with each other. It's also possible that the two of you enjoy being around children together, or may want children together, again if other aspects allow. Perhaps one person has a child when the relationship begins as well. You will enjoy playing, going out to movies, plays or anything that is about fun and leisure.

Sun in Partners 6th house

The Sun person may encourage the house person to be more active, health conscious, or organized. The Sun person will want to be helpful to the house person. The house person, on the contrary, might be the one helping the Sun person become more organized, and be helpful when it comes to health matters. The two of you may talk a lot about these matters, such as health, fitness, and wellness. Sometimes this can point to one person that is ill and the other that is of service to the other. This is a good placement for the daily routine of a couple that lives together, they are able to work together and share household chores and responsibilities. The Sun person typically is willing to check in on the house person to see if there is anything they need help with. The two might join a gym together, yoga class or any other wellness program.

Sun in Partners 7th house

This placement is great for relationships of all kinds, love, friendship, the family you name it. The Sun person may have much in common with the house person. The house person will see the Sun person as relationship material in whatever sense that may be. You will work well in together. The Sun person will display personality traits in which the house person admires and the house person may find the Sun person as someone they want to partner with or in a love relationship may find them attractive. You both add balance to each other's lives and the differences you have complement each other.

Audio interpretation of synastry 7th house click here

Sun in Partners 8th house

Your partner either turns you on or creeps you out. Yes, it's that black and white, this is the house of extremes. If it's the first then this is a highly magnetic and even mysterious attraction that typically reflects a strong sexual and even lustful attraction.

If the other, then they may ask far too many personal questions, stare you down, follow you around or make you or feel as if your space is invaded and you need to leave like immediately.

Let's go back to the first, If both parties are equally fascinated and attracted to one another then this relationship will be intense and likely quite deep. This is the house of Pluto and holds all our fears, insecurities and things we suppress or keep hidden from others. It is also the house of deep intimacy, sex and shared resources so these will be topics often discussed.

However, when some one's planet falls in this house, they often have penetrating insights into these things we usually keep hidden and sometimes the house person can feel exposed or vulnerable in some way. Or as if the Sun person has some magnetic pull over them. Power struggles and drama, and issues around control are also possibilities if both people don't handle the intense energy between them in the best possible way.

You will share secrets, explore the darker more taboo subjects, and openly discuss things that you wouldn't normally feel all that comfortable with anyone else.

There will be strong sexual themes between the two and an openness to discuss things related to the sharing of resources, psychology, sex, conspiracy, or topics of a deeper nature. The Sun person will likely be generous with the house person but watch for strings attached. If both people are evolved and on a higher path this relationship can be very powerful, deeply intimate and transforming in a good way. If both are prone to game playing, jealousy or control issues then the opposite is true and you can easily end up enemies.

You will either love or dislike one another and sometimes both at different times.

There is something primal about your attraction and you both will draw out very strong feelings whether for better or worse.

Sun in your Partners 9th house

This makes for a couple that shares a very similar philosophy or at least a deeper understanding and even mutual respect for one another.

The Sun person can help the house person in many ways usually expanding their educational knowledge not necessarily by going to school but through their interaction, learning from one another and sharing ideas, philosophies, and concepts.

They will admire one another for there way of thinking and each others intelligence. This can be seen in a teacher-student relationship, boss, and employee or students in the same school, or simply two people that share many of the same ideals and respect one an others intelligence.

Simply put, there is a mutual respect with this placement and a desire to seek, learn and expand their knowledge and experience together. They may both enjoy traveling together or trying new things. Religion or spiritual matters, law, government or politics may also be topics in which they enjoy researching or learning about together.

Sun in your Partners 10th house

This placement usually brings about much admiration in each other and a lot of attraction. You both appreciate one another for each other looks, talents and just the way about them. You also feel good and even more confident as a result of your relationship especially by the way in which others respond to you while together.

This is an excellent position for a couple that enjoys the public life, or that decide to work together. You both have similar interest and can help each other in your Careers. In some cases, you can both idealize one another as if you have met your dream or ideal partner.

Sun in your Partners 11th house

This makes for a fun and friendly companionship. You will both share many of the same hopes and wishes or at least be very supportive of one another in reaching theirs. You can talk about many subjects and share many of the same ideas, past times and social groups. You can talk about anything and everything with each other, you are two of a kind. If this is a love relationship you will be both friends and lovers. This is a good position for a long-term relationship however as always other compatible factors need to apply.

Sun in your Partners 12th house

There is something elusive, mystical, magical, or undefinable about your Partner and it's possible your partner may feel this way about you. You have an intuitive connection, and much of your relationship might take place behind the scenes in secret or not very public. You may confide in each other, things you normally would not with others. The house person might help the Sun person release old karma, uncover hidden talents, or heal through an unconditional love, or acceptance of the Sun person. Negatively, you can feel weary of each other, confused about one another's intention, or find the relationship or interaction uncomfortable. If the first applies the two of you likely have come together to learn about unconditional love, spiritual matters or psychological matters. It is also possible there may have been a past life or karmic connection that needs healing.

You may have met in a unique way, you will both share very intimate details with one another. There is also likely a spiritual or unconscious connection that exists between the two of you even if you are apart. You may idealize one another, or see things in another that no one else can see. This house holds both the soul-mate and the enemy so it's always best to proceed with caution in any love relationship.

Be sure, to be honest with each other at all times. It's also possible that the house person may dream about the Sun person. The Sun person can see things about the house person they may or may not realize about themselves. The Sun person can either help or hinder the house person depending on their intentions. They will have insights into the house person that can uncover many things. It's also possible that the two came together to heal or help one another in some way.

Be careful to not let the interaction become too heavy, or more like a Psychologist or Dr/Patient relationship.

If other factors apply, this can very well be a soul-mate connection or a deeply spiritual, and even magical connection that neither one of you are likely never forget.

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