Sunday, October 2, 2016

Zodiac Sign Pisces

Pisces the Fish: Christ Consciousness
Feb 18-March 20
Ruling Planet: Neptune
The Empath

Pisces is a deeply sensitive and empathic sign. They tend to feel the longings, sufferings, and sadness in others. Because of this, they are the ones to most often offer help. They are very compassionate souls that look past what most people would find bothersome in others or problematic. They are about acceptance of people from all walks of life and tend to see what one could be rather than what they might be right now. Neptune rules the 12th house of sacrifice, unconditional love, the spiritual, hospitals, the dream world, fantasy and elated experiences. When you are deeply sensitive you can feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. They tend to like to care for animals and people. 

Their Karma is to learn that self-sacrifice for another can be dangerous, leaving one feeling disappointed and taken advantage of. Especially on a one-by-one basis or with a lover or friends and instead they should focus there compassionate nature of philanthropic endeavors on a larger scale, such as animal shelters, help for the homeless or whatever charitable cause they hold close to their hearts rather than trying to save one person at a time most often their lovers and some cases friends. 

Yes, it's good to help people, but Pisces tends to go for all the wrong people or are attracted to those with many problems almost as if they are on a mission to save lost souls. 
It's true that people with problems need help but leave that to the professionals and not at the risk of your own happiness. You deserve love and respect and it doesn't often come from choosing people that are incapable of giving you this. 

Learning about boundaries and self-respect along with having expectations of your partners will actually promote change faster than by acceptance. You are here to show compassion and unconditional love and can do this through many creative outlets. You are all very creative and can do well in any of the creative arts. 

Because of your deep sensitivity, you might find your self often disappointed in others. You cry at the romantic movie, or sad story and even when you're alone because you can't seem to find anyone that is as sensitive as you. You feel like you don't belong in this world. You are very important in this world without you it's likely no one would care about anyone! You have an important role, just don't sacrifice yourself by accepting poor treatment, by setting boundaries and having expectations of yourself and others. 

The key to you finding this balance lies in your Opposite Sign Virgo, who will help those that can help themselves and sets the bar quite high for a love relationship. It would benefit you to learn more about Virgo and to try to adopt some more of the traits associated with Virgo.

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