Friday, May 13, 2016

Life Coaching

Click here for the Audio Intro Astro-coaching.

Many of my private clients have seen the amazing benefits of Astro-Coaching.  I learned about fear negativity and it's power and how overcoming it was the most important achievement anyone could make. My learnings of Astrology and how to overcome the influences and make the most of them is nothing short of life-changing. Understand that our minds are more powerful than the planets and that everything is energy and that you can't fear any of it. We are affected on a subconscious level and by outside influences, but we can overcome it or at least use the energy in the best way possible. 
At the end of just one month, you will see the potential and change. I'll teach you about the planetary energies and how to work with them to accomplish whatever goals you have in mind. 
If you are struggling in any area of your life, feel confused or lost, struggle with depression or are unsure about which direction to go or if you are feeling blocked or perhaps would simply just like to start to live in closer alignment with your life path while taking advantage of timing and opportunities presented to you, then a personal one on one Astro-coaching will help you. 

With my background as a motivational/Accountability coach combined with 20 plus years of the study and application of Astrology. I am certain, you will find my coaching invaluable.  

No matter what phase you are in your life my Astrology coaching plan will help you understand your Astro-makeup and your own personal opportunities in all areas of life and help you capitalize on it all. I will help you use the transits to your advantage in order to reach your goals quickly while avoiding many of the potential pitfalls. I will create a game plan that works with planetary energies, moon cycles and even the days of the week to take particular actions. The rest is all about your beliefs, your desire, your will and your confidence which I will help you develop. 

Astrology is complex and can never be covered in its entirety in a one-hour consultation and why the monthly coaching is so valuable. Astrology is something that requires many consultations, in order to make the most of the many dynamics and shifts in your planetary environment and beliefs. Aligning your energetic vibration first and foremost with what it is you want.  I will bring you clarity and will use multiple charts to guide you in the best course of action.
In addition, I will show you how to overcome planetary energies, and to use them to manifest the life that you want no matter how difficult the phase you are in or even amplify the good ones. That's something many don't talk much about. It shouldn't always only be used for bad times that Astrologers are consulted although that's when most do. But if you had the right guidance during the good ones, there is not much you can't accomplish.

This is a one-on-one 30-day program that can be used for any area of life. 

4- 1-hour sessions per month, once a week we will focus on any area you wish. In my coaching plan, I use the Natal Chart and Transits, the Progressed chart, and the Solar Return chart.

Here are a few of what these sessions can be used for:

  • Finding the right Career, and making Career Decisions

  • Relationship Healing after break up or problems in a relationship. 

  • Relationship counseling: If you are having problems in or with a relationship, we can discuss ways to improve or even repair the relationship by understanding the person better and all the above with the relationship healing.

  • Life Coaching: This is all about you. How to manifest the life you want, find more happiness, Understanding yourself better, locating areas in where you shine and find happiness. What's coming up for you astrologically and how to prepare, plan and take advantage of opportunities. 

My coaching plans consist of an analysis of your natal chart with your goals in mind along with 1 OR 2 45min phone consults every week for 4 weeks. Depending on how often you feel you need coaching. Once a week and twice a week are currently available.

These personal coaching sessions focus are specific to each individual and their needs. 

I have had great success helping people make the most out of their lives and helped them reach their dreams. With the combination of Astro-Psychology and with the help of Astro-forecasting for the timing of events along with a personalized game plan to achieve your goals, the results are pretty spectacular. Whether for your personal life, business or relationships you will be amazed at what really can be done with Astrology.

You can find the hope or direction in your life and make the most out of opportune times and understand what you should do during the more difficult times in order to make the most out of them.

No matter what stage you are in your life, or what areas you might be struggling. There is hope in knowing what the future holds and how to best manage the current situations at hand. 

You truly can make leaps and bounds in your life with the help of Astrology, and my personalized guidance. Whatever it is you want to achieve I will tailor a plan and coach you to get there. If you want to start a business, a new endeavor, heal a relationship, or have specific career goals, or even to understand what they are if you are feeling lost and how to get yourself there. This plan is for you. Try it and see for yourself! 

I look forward to working with you!

Once a week 45 min Coaching for 4 weeks or 30 days

Consultation once a week for 4 weeks for 45 mins each
Fee: 495.00
Up to two people, charts of below can be analyzed during the course of the month and counseled on.
Charts used in coaching: Natal Chart, Transits, Progressed Chart and Solar Return
Days and time based on availability

Sign up here! 

Important terms and conditions: These prices are based on fee-based fee*  You agree to use the 4-1 hour calls in the 30 days of the cycle. Billed at the end of 30 days if you wish to continue (if renewing fee must be paid on the day of the cycle ends so I can analyze and plan for our next call. You will be billed ( sent an invoice) at the end of every 30 days unless on the last call you state you would like to end. It is not automatic billing but an ending of an old cycle dated 30 days after the 1st call. To restart, the monthly fee must be paid within 24 hours of the agreement to restart for proper planning.  A new scheduled date or time may be necessary depending on availability.  

All 4 calls must be used within the 30 days before new cycle. The normal session is 139.00 per call which 4 calls add to be 556.00. This monthly plan discount is based on agreeing to use the 4 calls within the 30 days. Follow up questions must be submitted two days prior to the next or following scheduled call. 

*All other charts than listed above or services are extra. Everything is covered during the call, additional email or emergency questions after each call or before the next scheduled are billed at the normal hourly rate of 129.00 each since Astrology questions require analysis in order to accurately answer. Turn around time may vary but usually within the min of 1 hour and they are not scheduled or planned and considered an emergency unless the questions can wait until next call.

* Fee-Based: You agree to use all 4 calls within the 30 days, or they are forfeited or billed at the normal rate of 139.00.

Twice a Week Coaching for 4 weeks 2 45min consultations twice a week for 4 weeks
Fee: $595.00 

Up to two people charts may be analyzed for coaching, good for relationship coaching ( multi-chart) 
Charts used in Coaching: Natal Chart and Transits, Progressed and Solar Return
Days and times based on availability
Sign Up Here

Business Coaching/Planning
4 - 45 min phone consultations per week
Charts Used: Natal Chart, Business Chart, Progressed, and Solar Return.
Additional Chart Analysis. 120.00 per chart
Days and times based on availability

Sign up here!

Or, please email me for more information or to sign up at

Shortly after payment, you will receive an email to schedule days and times of availability.