Wednesday, May 4, 2016


With Scorpio in your 12th house it's not a easy road for you but it is a highly rewarding one. You are highly perceptive, and extremely intuitive you posessess powerful X-ray vision. 

You feel vibration and energy and need to be careful with whom you associate. You are very observant and sensitive to energy. You can feel others energies and based on what you feel about someone tells you whether you can trust them or not. 

The 12th house holds our unconscious, and things that are hidden from us. It also holds our hidden fears and anxieties both real and imagined. With Scorpio here, your powerful sensors can be your worst enemy because they can lead you to paranoia. However, these extrasensory abilities are gifts and the truth is Scorpios would rather see the ugly than turn a blind eye. They have known what repercussions that has. However, seeing behind the facade in others is not a pleasant journey, unless you learn to not let it affect you. Don't take it personal accept it as reality but don't let it jade you either. You are seeing behind the veil of appearances and just as Saturn shows us what's really there by taking away the fanciful Neptune illusions leaving us feeling somber or dissapointed so is it with Scorpio. The key is to accept this and to be thankful for your gift. To see it as a lifesaver for it will save you many times over. 

You are strong you have a tough exterior shell and you can defend yourself just fine. You have no worries, you have a lot of power. You don't need to live in fear, you need not worry. The phoenix is immortal because he has been to hell and came out of the ashes. This is a beautiful and powerful metaphor it's about overcoming fear. Having been there done that there is nothing left to fear.  Learn to accept this power, learn to use it wisely, and do not let it hold you back from experiencing joy, love and happiness. 

The thing about the 12th house is it's our subconscious and this is the place in which we manifest. It's very important that you don't let fear take over. You have seen many things and many that were dissapointing, you have seen the uglyliness htat  and the powers of observation. You are highly sensitive to vibration and you see people for what they are not as they present themselves to be. 

This can lead to a certain amount of paranoia especially if you have been more exposed to negative people than positive because as a result of your keen insight. 

You are much more powerful than you realize and most of this power takes place internally or within but also in the realm of dreams and manifestation.

You also have a unique ability which you might be unaware to psychically protect yourself from the negative energies that others may direct at you. Scorpio has a tough exterior shell of protection but also a very powerful will. This will allows you the ability to will into being your strongest desires, but also negatively your fears. This is why it's so important that you be mindful of your thoughts adn that you overcome fear along with negative thinking in order to not promote more of the same.

The 12th house is the subconscious and having Scorpio in this house is quite powerful. We manifest from our subconscious and what you need to do so, is a strong desire and focus which are the things that Scorpio is known for. This is commonly called today, "visual manifestation".

You must be very careful because what you will into being you will be karmically responsible for it must not be used on others or used for negative means for the consequences will be long-lasting and disastrous, what we put out will come back to us. You want to put out positive things for yourself.  

You must learn to separate yourself from the wrong people, and proactively seek out people who are positive and trustworthy.

Your dreams are also a powerful outlet in which you face many of your fears, problems, and struggles. This can strenghten you beyond imagination. It also can be very healing, you can heal yourself. It's also true that you can transform your life and situations through your dreams.

On another note, you are magnetic and exude a strong sexual aura, you appear as one not to mess with which is also true. However, this can stir jealousy in those that are less evolved, insecure or of a negative nature. 

You have strong psychic powers and dreams of premonition or prophetic which will be very useful in your life.

You have the ability to face your fears in your dreams, and heal old wounds, pay karmic debts and change the outcome of life situations. You will face all your worst fears through your dreams and they are likely to range from intense to mystical and even magical, they will be powerful.

It is important that you learn to overcome your fears, by facing each and every one of them, and to learn the power of positive thinking and manifesting the outcomes through your belief and your will. 

More on the dream world with Pluto, Scorpio or Part of Fortune in the 12th


  1. This placement has been a blessing and a curse for me throughout the years. Every since I can remember, I've always had really bizarre, mystical, or mysteriously shocking dreams. Sometimes I interact w/ figures that are ambiguous, dangerous, seductive, cold, or inhuman in some way. Other times they seem like memories of by gone times. At times I believe I'm experiencing parallel lives in different settings or places. I'm only in my 20's, but I seen some really ugly behavior in my lifetime and some really good. Often I seem to find myself in hectic, violent, or confrontational situations, even though I often just want it to be peaceful.

    I've had tons of paranormal experiences since birth, and have had episodes of spontaneous psychic abilities. People see that I'm very nice and they try to take pisses me off, but for some reason I'm never privy to that anger. My pluto is in my 12th house and it is said to deal w/ rage. Most of my life I often felt caged by expectations, or other people's opinions, my sex, race, or ideals. Though I keep moving on. Sometimes it troubling how the little things can affect me the most and the bigger events are non issues. That anger that's been growing since birth and gathered from all of my troubles is non existent. I can't even get properly mad at someone. It's like a candle just gets blown out and nothing. Whatever hint I felt disappears down a black hole. Whenever I do get a chance (rarely), it literally chokes me w/ a it's too much to express. Whatever it is can't be conveyed in words or gestures. My body isn't capable of handling it. These are my experiences and while they are does make it hard to express them to someone who actually understands.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing, Wow, Pluto in the 12th is a very difficult one to truly understand and I think you pin pointed it and it's effects amazingly well.

  3. I have Scorpio on the 12th house cusp and can definitely relate to the intense dreams. I have always remembered my dreams and felt that the experiences I have in them are as significant to my development as waking life experiences. I can also relate to the ability to protect myself from the psychic energies of others - I worry that sometimes it comes off as coldness, but for the most part I am able to deflect other people's energy. Only rarely has other people's negativity got to me - and on those occasions it was really awful - so thank goodness it's been rare! I think a spiritual practice of some kind is important with this placement (and probably for everyone).

    1. Hi and Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. Nicely put with the dream work being as signifigant to the waking life as far as development. Very interesting and quite powerful!

  4. I have this exact placement and I will tell my personal experience with it. My dreams are very intense, horrifyingly realistic and transforming. I often confront personal demons/strong emotions in this realm. I travel to dream places that I’ve been to before. There is definitely some wierd sexual, taboo dreams that I will never open up about because then I feel like I violated myself xD.When I wake up its like I’ve gone on an adventure and is really eye opening. 
When I’m in public I can sense a certain vibe from the atmosphere depending on where I am and people. My imagination is so powerful it’s like I have to put a lid on it because a few people have “seen” what I think about and it startles them so I try to tone it down a bit. 
I can tell what people are really thinking or feeling if I simply observe or think about that particular individual deeply. That way I know when they’re lying, acting fake, etc. 
My interpretation of this is since I have Sagittarius rising it is the extension of myself and when I close my eyes , imagine, dream or all alone by myself it’s like my most inner hidden self that I barely show to people. The place where a complex world exists. When I go to sleep each night I sometimes visualize myself swimming to the middle of a large dark and exceptionally deep lake, then I float. As I descend into my sleep the water submerges me to its deep, powerful depths until all I see is movie/life-like images. And when I wake up, I rise back up into consciousness.

    1. Wow! Yes I can relate and many others here too. Thank you so much for sharing your experience it helps us to know we're not alone in these types of experiences. There is a reason behind all things and this placement truly makes us question what it might be. It's definitely strength building and truly we know that fear is what holds most of us back the fear of all sorts of things and this placement truly helps overcome, face and deal with the oddest of situations :p...the deep lake I can relate and when I sink below I am able to breathe under the water which feels so real... I feel breathing the water.. So cool and strange at the same time! Again thanks so much for sharing:)

    2. The sun is officially in Scorpio and I've noticed I've become sensitive to the environment around me! My dreams are amplified x10 and I'm starting to "see" more things everyday. Oh God, I'm scared of how conscious this can be become because I know it'll be overwhelming when I finally open the gate. I'm going to do a lot of meditation/psychic protection sessions. This is the time to clear a lot of baggage from psyche and become a new person by the time it's Sag season. I wanna use this power for good.

    3. I think it's going to be awesome for you. The sun illuminates this mysterious house and being alone will be enjoyed you will want to pursue spiritual matters, meditation is excellent! Your dreams should be positive and colorful and hopefully shed light on areas that are important for you to release and start a brand new cycle when it moves in your first.

      Yes!! It's a fabulous time to clean out any negative ideas, fears, etc..,that aren't serving you for your good or holding you back. There is a positive shift happening with us all so big changes will be made individually for better.

      Much positive energy sent your way!

  5. Yes, I have this placement also. It has been a little challenging because it makes me very sensitive to the unseen. I can feel the vibrations that people give off and sense their fears, and i feel those fears. I certainly have very intense and vivid dreams, so intense like nothing i could ever experience in my waking hours. Some Mystical, some horrific but they always have a profound effect on me.

    1. Thank you for stopping by to share your experience! :)

  6. Pluto, mars (in sagittarius) and scorpio in the 12th house... I'm afraid kkkk

  7. This is a really great post, from the writer and responders. I have 0 degree Sag. rising, I'm an Aquarius sun and moon, and through astrology I have found strength, or at least, some understanding. Scorpio energy has always been a burden on me, because I possess so much of it with a Saturn stationary at 4 degrees Scorpio conjunct Pluto. But I am an Aquarius, and the vibes are hard to reconcile. I watch the transits for anything in Scorpio and prepare for it. Saturn return and Mars transits in Scorpio from 2012 to 2016 was just a brutal battle of attrition. Astrology energies are very real but very hard to explain to people and it is mostly received with little empathy. But this post are some real people who share real experiences I can relate to: dreamworld, physic, 6th sense, intuition, spotting people's real nature. Just want to say good luck to everyone and that this is a very accurate and helpful posting of the nature of the 12th house Scorpio.

  8. Great post, from author and responders. 0 degree Sag. rising, Saturn stationary in Scorpio, conjunct Pluto. I am an Aquarius sun and moon. The 12th house is legit fierce, and 2012 thru 2016, with Saturn return, over ASC three times, Mars transits Scorpio, retrogrades, over ASC three times, was just a brutal battle of attrition. I'm 34, felt like I just gave 5 years to "the house" just to save my future. Good luck to everyone on here I feel what you're saying.

  9. i have sun in scorpio 12 house I have weird dreams, and hear strange voices and dreams come true, in fact I have a very sexual Sun conjuction ac pleas aid me

  10. Good day,....I have Scorpio 12th house cusp (and in the 1st as well)....have Scorpio Ascendant conjunct Mars, otherwise unaspected, as well as the north node, and Neptune in Scorpio in the 12th and in the equal house system Jupiter is in the 12th also unaspected (not in Scorpio) My Pluto is conjunct midheaven in the 10th. This has played out a lot of ways and I've used astrology to explain my life, which gives me a needed rational explanation for what has gone on.

    Lots of treachery in my life, especially in my sports and business career. They say that Scorpio is the most likely sign to be murdered,...there's was an attempt on my life at one time and also on my career at three different times....and I grew up in a narcissist, abusive environment. For most of the past 20 years I've lived in a Taurus place which has brought me a lot of opposition....I'm moving to a Scorpio place in a couple of months for which I have positive vibes that things on the material plane will become much, much better....spiritually I feel damaged from a soul level and pray for some miracle that I can be healed or that I can heal myself. I play a lot of sports which can be an outlet for Mars 12th house and Sag Suns that keep me somewhat sane..hehe. I've very recently given up an addiction which has been an issue, which allows me to feel and psychically see everything to a much greater degree....right now there is much pain...perhaps it will lesson in time.

  11. At some point you will be completely aware of how wise you truly are. The insights you have, and how well this will serve you in your life. This saves a great deal of wasted time being this insightful. Go with your instincts be wise you won't be fooled and you will make the right decisions because you inside know what they are. Also, don't lock yourself out of your own potential as a result of never trusting, trust yourself! you have seen more than most so you can be keen and avoid many other pitfalls as a result of naivety , and don't worry about the rest. You can direct your life anywhere you want it to go.

    Positive energy sent your way!

  12. placements worth mentioning before I say anything...
    I'm a scorpio sun in 11th house
    scorpio moon and mercury conjunct in the 12th house
    pluto in the 12th house
    neptune and venus in the 1st house

    now that you all got to know me a bit hahah...
    this 12th house moon thing is simultaniously something very exhausting and blissful
    I have found it hard to deal with it every time I came to think about it. I feel so very much but none of those feelings are mine. I feel every gesture every breath every longing in movements of people around me, I know what drives them, and I'm truly noticing more and more as time goes by that I can really have healing effects on others. and honestly... that's the only thing that drags me out of hell. every time I ask myself ''but what do you want? how do you feel?'' I get nowhere... it just drives me in all the wrong directions. I only feel at peace once that my surroundings are at ease. being selfless is the most beneficial thing I can do for my own self.
    and it's all beautiful but all of us surely come to certain situations in life especially in relationships where this kind of functioning simply falls apart. I feel so uncomfortable and painful when someone I have a deep connection with tries to understand me better, figure me out, connect me to characteristics, reasons and patterns because I actually feel like an unfitting body is being sawn to my living bleeding hurting naked soul. I don't know how to deal with this anymore. I feel like the only way for me to ever feel complete is dismissing everything that ''belongs'' to me, disarming myself completely of personality, sexuality and desires. I've never felt a desire for a person that comes from within, I always feel like something inside them is calling me to come and then I come. that's the only way for me to be anywhere, if I'm called, pulled in by something strange they themselves quite often aren't aware of. and I'm writing all of this because I don't know how to balance my relationships anymore. is it so difficult to face me as something faceless and just feel me, realize that I have no intentions, no desires but to be through everything around me? I feel like it is a much more complex thing than I could explain to anyone and I've never talked to anyone about this yet. I would really like to get a reply from someone who understands all of this or can relate, yet I doubt it will happen. as I'm writing this I already see it being left unnoticed. it's just how things are.

    1. Hi! Thank you for stopping by to share your experience. It would help you to get to know yourself who are you really? What are your own personal needs, likes and feelings? And to build a persona based on these things so you can then let your partners get to know these parts of you. Once you discover who you are as a individual and separate your needs from those of others along with your own personal feelings. We need to spend more time getting to know ourselves and our own needs in order to have them met by others that way they will know what they are.

      Grounding yourself by spending time in nature, meditation and quiet time to go within to discover your true self and you can set boundaries in which you live by according to your needs and those of others.

      Best wishes!

  13. Came looking for this today. I can say, good articulate article. My sister who's sun n ascendent Scorpio and 12th has all her houses in the same signs as mine. I'm also a late scorpio rising and in 12th too, then lots of planets in Sagittarius 1st. When she was born I remember as s 3 yr old my mother giving birth in hospital, I could sense and feel as I traipsed up and down the hallway of the family home in anxiety. , expectation- someone very important is coming into the world- MAKE WAY for the coming of this Noble being. I don't know about past Lives, but I know the feeling of knowing someone before. That was my 2nd memory and my most powerful. I was never jealous of her coz I once was the youngest but in the last 10 yrs of adulthood, I have not been as in touch with. Women have held a strong point in my life, friends especially. I dreamt 2 years before of having a baby with a woman I did nit recognise and then I met the woman, then she got pregnant, now we have a daughter. Premonitions
