Saturday, January 17, 2015


           Uranus: The rebel, the liberator and you just gotta be different...

In synastry it's where we shock, shake up, rebel, break free, change, and liberate but it is also where we seek freedom, can be argumentative, stubborn, and even behave erratically, or suddenly.

Uranus Conjunct Square or opposite Sun

This makes for a feisty connection that is highly charged. The  Uranus person will push the Sun person to see things more openly or objectively and can help the Sun person, open up to new ideas and a wider perspective. 

The Sun person might find the Uranus person unstable, unpredictable, or unruly. However, this can add much to the attraction but equally so it can result in an on and off situation between the two. 

However, if both people are mature this can be a highly stimulating, exciting, and enthralling companionship where the two of you are always trying new things, keeping the relationship exciting and challenging.

Although typically not considered a long-term aspect because of Uranus's sudden unpredictable behavior, or unwillingness to be told what to do. It most certainly can be if you both accept each other as is, and allow a certain amount of personal freedom and self-expression within the relationship and if both people are open to change. Also, if both people have Uranus aspects or Aquarius in their charts for then they would be comfortable with the energy this aspect ignites. However, if the Sun person is in a more stable earth sign or sensitive water sign this can be more difficult to manage.

Uranus Conjunct Square or Opposite Moon

This aspect does not need to be as bad as its reputation. First, this aspect works best if the Moon person has aspects to Uranus themselves or they have other planets in Aquarius. There is much to the compatibility and why aspect by aspect is rarely accurate. None the less this aspect prevents a stalemate from occurring, Uranus will keep the Moon on their toes. If the Moon person has insecurity issues then the Uranus might push those buttons. However, this will not be a boring interaction but rather stimulating. The Uranus person can help free the Moon person from any beliefs that may be holding them back.  Uranus is the liberator often through provoking or pushing the limits of structures. The Moon person may not get the security or stability they crave, but there won't be a boring moment. If the Moon stays open minded and does not tell the Uranus person what to do, then this most certainly can work out to be a highly invigorating, and stimulating relationship. The Moon person will be is likely to be enthralled and taken by the Uranus persons unique outlook, and even genius insights, however, it's just as likely the Moon can find this aggravating, depending on certain other factors. The Uranus person may be too erratic for the Moon person and the Moon person might be too clingy or sentimental for the Uranus person. If both people have Strong Uranus or Aquarius then this can actually be an ideal match as always all aspects must be taken into consideration to make a proper assessment.

Uranus Conjunct Square or Opposite Mercury

This makes for some shocking and exciting conversations, however, it is possible the Mercury person might find the Uranus person a bit too out there or can find them to forceful with their opinions. However, if both have Uranus or Aquarius within their charts it's possible they find themselves up all night talking about anything and everything. The Uranus person can introduce the Mercury person to new ways of thinking by challenging them to open up more. However, it is also likely the two of you can find yourselves bickering over every little thing as well.

Uranus Conjunct Square or Opposite Venus

This is super hot at first, and your likely to fall in love quickly, but it is also subject to a fast and rapid burnout if you both are not careful. Uranus needs freedom in every way, and the Venus person might not be too fond of this but yet at the same time, intrigued and inspired. Romantic relationships require a certain amount of stability though and this aspect is known to cause on again off again situations which can wear and tear on the relationship. Again many other aspects need to be considerd along with the level of maturity of both individuals. The Uranus person might have far out ideas or more new age ideas as far as relationships are concerned and depending on the sign that Venus person is in may or may not be their ideal. Preferably Aquarius Venus or a Venus with aspects to Uranus would be ideal but even Venus in Sagittarius might work as well.
Positively, you both inspire, challenge and enthrall each other. You are always up to try new and interesting things, perhaps even far out. There is the potential of a very good friendship and fun within the relationship.

Uranus Conjunct Square or Opposite Partners Mars

The Uranus person may stimulate the Mars person to take more risks, or try new things or ways of doing things. The Mars person may try to get Uranus to do things their way. This aspect can be difficult but it need not be both simply need to be open to each other. The problems are usually a result of stubbornness or willfulness. If both parties are mature and just allow each other to do things in their way, this can be a highly stimulating and invigorating. You can both try new things and you can be certain that the Uranus person will have some great ideas. The two of you have an opportunity to explore the new horizons and break free of inhibitions together. It's best to avoid arguments with this aspect because things can easily become explosive as well.

Uranus Square or Opposite Jupiter

This aspect is generational but does have its effects. In some cases, the Uranus person may challenge the Jupiter's persons beliefs, however, Jupiter is pretty broad-minded, to begin with, but perhaps having a more traditional view or even religious perspective. If this is not the case then the Jupiter person might enjoy discussing a broad range of subjects, ideas, and philosophy with Uranus. There may be a clash on whom is right or wrong but it would serve you both to be as open-minded with your partner as possible, there is nothing wrong with having a difference in opinions just don't overthrow the others ideas immediately and try to keep an open mind. 

Uranus Square or Opposite Saturn

This can be troublesome but like all aspects, it's up to the two individuals and their desire to make it work. Saturn is conservative and structured and Uranus is anything but conservative and enjoys breaking down traditional structures. It's best if they both find a happy medium they can agree on. Uranus can help the Saturn person open up more and become more authentic to themselves but Uranus needs to be respectful of Saturn's more traditional and conservative perspective they both can learn a lot from each other, there is no need to force your opinions on each other. 

Uranus Square or Opposite Uranus

This is generational showing two strong headed and stubborn individuals with their own perspectives and individual ideas and beliefs. They have an opportunity to learn from their own differences because they will both enjoy challenging each other.The way in which they both approach their uniqueness and individuality will differ but they can simply just learn to accept each other.

Uranus Square or Opposite Neptune

This is a generational aspect that depending on the houses affected will show where they may experience differences. Neptune dissolves boundaries and Uranus likes to break them down so this does not pose a real problem. Uranus may try to help Neptune develop a stronger sense of self, and Neptune might help Uranus with a more gentle or compassionate approach.

Uranus Square or Opposite Pluto

This can be a highly combustible aspect but it need not be. If both parties are not mature in their ability to express themselves without getting heated or trying to push the other on their own ideals and beliefs and they allow each other there own thoughts and beliefs and respectfully disagree, then this can be invigorating rather than combative. This couple will need to be flexible with one another. Uranus is Stubborn, erratic and willful and Pluto is relentless so you need to watch for trying to force your opinions on one another. The houses that these planets occupy will tell you more. It is best to not discuss topics in which you both are firm in your opinions or that you both learn to accept one another as they are.

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