Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Scorpio Pluto or Part of Fortune in 12th house and healing through dreams

Part of fortune in Scorpio in the 12th house, Pluto in the 12th house or having the Sign of Scorpio in your 12th house are very powerful placements. The 12th house covers our subconscious mind, dreams the spirit world and the things we can not touch or feel, and even see. This is the house of self undoing as well, it rules over institutions such as sanctuaries, hospitals, and even prisons. It is also known to hold hidden enemies, people that work against us behind the scenes or that we are unaware of, but sometimes they do make themselves known. This house is vague, mysteries and can be both positive or negative for it holds our spirit guides along with bad spirits. 

Pluto, Scorpio or the Part of Fortune are all powerful and in the 12th house although it may not at first seem fortunate because much of the energy is hidden from the person, there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes.

Very commonly any of these placements are likely to have powerful dreams some can be violent, others possess situations in your life in which you have the opportunity to deal with real life situations in order to change the real life outcome. Science has already begun to realize how powerful our subconscious mind really is. As Carl jung said until we make the unconscious conscious we will live these things out and call them fate. What this means is that our unconscious mind, or subconscious mind hold many of our fears, the things we can't understand or the things we feel our out of our control, such as dreams and the spirit world. The truth of the matter is that we have much more control that we realize and it begins with reprogramming our unconscious minds into more positive thinking. This can be done through a array of different techniques such as positive affirmations, paying attention to our thoughts and controlling but it's not easy. Just like the planet transits affect our emotions on a day to day basis, if we learn to resist these feeling and consciously choose to not let them bring us down, by remaining positive no matter the current situation. It is also important we monitor what and are very careful about what we expose our minds to. 

The unconscious mind is a memory box that holds every bit of information, experience and visual experience all of our senses, sight, smell, feeling, along with our anger, fears, and suppressed emotions that through our dreams are released when we face them and deal with them.

Our minds our powerful and this is especially true with Scorpio, Pluto or Part of Fortune in the 12th. Nothing gets by, the individual is faced with all sorts of situations that feel as if they are out of ones control. However, this is not the case, unconsciously the person creates these situations thought their fears, and why controlling one's thoughts and mind is so important. If you can focus on your true inner desires and visualize you having them with the strong will that you have, you will manifest the life that you want.

Karl Jung said dreams show the person’s inner truth and reality as it is, not as they would like it to be. Karl Jung had much knowledge of dreams and there ability for healing the wounded psyche. 

He was very convinced that dreams carried vital messages from our unconscious selves to our conscious selves. However, exploring your dreams can be quite challenging because the messages that come from our unconscious are usually symbolic, bazaar, confusing, some can be very disturbing. 

The healing potential of dreams

• Dreams help a person to contact unrecognized emotions and subtle sensations about what’s happening to the body during a period of disease.

• Dreams help a person understand reactions to events in their lives. For instance, I was highly disturbed by a wrong that was done to me, I have Scorpio in the 12th house. I had a dream in which I confronted the person and they ended up apologizing. A few weeks later they contacted me and did just that.

• Dreams help people contact the healing power within and obtain creative solutions to difficulties. 

• Since dreams reveal the shape of our unconscious repressed projections, problems, fears, sickness and whatever else lies deep within. Working with dreams is one of the best ways to raise consciousness.

Guidelines for working with dreams

Keep a dream journal beside your bed and write your dreams when you wake up. Write them in the first person and notice what your emotions and the sensations in your body as you contemplate the dream. Take notice of any correlations between the dream life and your waking life.
There are likely to be ties to what's going on in your current life. 

Understanding that you hold the power, you have the ability to control your life through your thoughts, dreams and faith. If you are having many nightmares there are many unresolved issues in which you need to face and nightmares are often the worst case scenario in order build your inner straight through surviving the worst of situations, or the scariest of all things. 

More on this at a later time, but for now you can read about Pluto, Scorpio or Part of Fortune in the 12th by searching my site.

Do you have any of these placements? What has your dream world been like? Share your experiences!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I don't know why many comments have been removed. I believe it was when I disabled comments due to being to busy to answer any that many got lost. I did not delete any comments.

  2. Hello my name is Phoenyx and I have pluto in my 12th house. When I was a child I used to have nightmares every night. Adult with a lot sexual, mental and emotional abuse from the ages of 4 two nine years old. And every night I would have dreams about the things that happened to me and I will wake up screaming. My mother got tired of me doing it and she just told me that I was just doing it to for attention which made me feel very hurt and misunderstood. I understood the power that I had and dreaming because most dreams that I had what come true and it sometimes it scared me. But when I got older around the age of 20 I started smoking weed heavily until I turn 30 this year. When I did smoke for those 10 years I lost my dream power which made me feel very disconnected with myself and as if I wasn't my true self. Since I have kicked my habit I have been able to dream again and let me tell you my dreams are coming in Non-Stop and now I feel like a part of myself has returned that has been buried for a long time. But I'm still having nightmares about my past and now I am starting to understand that I still have unresolved anger and resentment towards my past. I do realize I still have issues regarding the traumas I went through with my mother, sisters and brothers and also close friends in my past. I have also been in deep emotional and physically abusive romantic relationships that need to be healed. I have been studying astrology and I also am a tarot card reader and I have been doing it for the past 5 years. But even using those forms of spirituality and divination at times when I feel overwhelmed by Pluto's power I run from those things and just hide away because I feel like I am in a dark abyss that I cannot get out of. I feel like that I am in a dark tunnel without any light at the end and the light is the resolve to all my problems. I understand that I need to surrender and forgive my past and let those things in me be resolved so they can died and I can finally be reborn. I am glad that I found this article and I am going to start keeping a dream journal so that I can start on my journey from healing through my dreams. I understand that they are a gift and I used to feel as though it was a curse. So thank you so much for writing this article it was very helpful.

    1. Your story is so powerful, thank you for sharing it can certainly help many with this placement. Letting go has a lot to do with everything in order to find peace. Our dreams show us where we have unresolved issues or fears and how we can overcome them or face them to deal with them. When we forgive and let go and overcome fear we have less left to haunt us or to work out. Then we find our dreams become more creative and positive. It's not easy but it can be done. Much love to you ❤️

  3. I have Pluto, Mars and Scorpio in 12th, so I understand what you mean. I past for a terrible period of bar feelings that didn't past (some people call it "depression"). Although it was uncomfortable, I could learn with this experience and became less stressed and fearfulness. I still have fears (that follow me anywhere) and anger, but less than before. I noticed that I have a amazing power of learning and transformation, but the cost is very high. We are trying to deal with this deep powerful energy, although I think on give up sometimes. Good luck.

  4. If you need help on how to heal and best use these placements to create the life you want i truly can help. Consider my monthly coaching in 30 days you can learn to use your power to transform your thoughts, beliefs and create the life you want with the power you have:)

  5. Hi my name is Muskaan. I'm only 17. I too have scorpio in my 12th house with sagittarius rising. I've always been interested in astrology and i like reading about myself and studying my natal chart to get to know myself better. I too have a pretty strong intuition and really realistic dreams about facing my daily life fears. I know I'm probably too young to be thinking about all this but i really just needed to talk to someone about what I'm feeling. I'm really not exaggerating when I say that there is not a single person in my life that actually know me. My parents, my best friend, my brother, they all think they do but they don't. I'm sometimes scared of myself, and my fantasies. Even if I try not to, I end up fantasizing about stuff that I probably shouldn't, bcz they're a bit violent. When I get angry its almost like I'm choking on it.I really really struggle opening up to people that's probably why no one knows me truly. I kind of felt relieved that there are others like me. I also feel for other people's sorrows a little too much. Like if there's any news about sexual abuse especially,I find myself crying alone in the bathroom thinking about how it must have been for that person to go through that. i have tried sharing a little it of this with y mom and she is understanding, but she can't relate much. She just tells me that i should stop thinking so much, but its easier said than done really. Nothing traumatic has happened to me yet(touch wood)but honestly I'm scared after reading about people having scorpio in 12th. I mean is it really always necessary for people like us to go through traumatic experiences or something like that? I really hope I find inner peace and get to know myself so that I can help myself and others like me. Its also extremely easy for others to open up to me, almost as if they come with their baggage of grief and hand it over to me and I don't even know what to do with all these overwhelming feelings. So I just bury them inside until they come find me in my dreams.

  6. I have Pluto in Scorpio in 12th house and part of fortune in Scorpio in 12th house and I also have Scorpio rising. My dreams are intense, sometimes scary, but I often predict the future in my dreams and get de ja vu a lot.
