Sunday, August 4, 2013

12th house planets: How to make the Unconscious Conscious

To do this we need to first understand what the difference is, and then begin working on tuning out our conscious and listening to the unconscious or subconscious.

While also realizing that our unconscious mind that needs to be programmed with only positive thoughts.  “I think, therefore, I am.” To put it simply, the mind consists of the conscious and the unconscious, and these two parts operate on different levels, although they complement each other regarding vital points. But the human mind is far from simple, and even now, in this day and age of fancy high-technology devices and machinery, there is much about it that continues to baffle scientists. So far, however, the following four “conscious vs subconscious mind” differences constitute the major part of what we know about the workings of our mind. Those with 12th house planets have more connectivity between the two realms however, need to learn the difference, so that they can then use there 12th house planets for their benefit.

What's the difference between the two?
1. Rationality
In any “conscious vs subconscious mind” discussion, among the first topics that crop up is the matter of reasoning and rationality, and how starkly these two parts of our mind differ in processing things. The conscious mind, of course, is the rational one it processes thoughts in an ordered manner. The subconscious mind, on the other hand, specializes in processing symbols, images and feelings and how these symbols relate with our daily life. 
2. Procedure
The conscious mind specializes in figuring out how things are performed or in calculating in order to achieve a specific outcome. On the other hand, the subconscious mind does not think—it just does things instantly or readily, drawing upon habit or your skills. Our subconscious mind is at work when we resume and succeed in riding a bicycle even after a long time of not doing it. In topics concerning the conscious vs subconscious mind, it is this property of the subconscious that allows us to perform things more efficiently—it is at the heart of all professional training.
3. Understanding and appreciation
Whenever you understand something, it is your conscious mind that is at work. The subconscious, however, disregards the “how” and instead zeroes in on the first thing it knows to work, regardless of whether or not it is the best choice or the worst. The subconscious is like a beast with a huge appetite—that’s why feed it with good things, and it will have nothing bad to choose from.
4. Task selection
The subconscious mind will keep on doing things even if such things are clearly (to your conscious mind, at least) do not benefit you or even damage you. The conscious mind, on the other hand, will use (and even waste) time in order to figure out something for its own sake.
It is often said that the mind can be compared to an iceberg—the small tip above the water is the conscious mind, whereas the huge, unseen 90 percent part of the iceberg that is underwater represents the subconscious. Indeed, the subconscious is a very powerful part of our mind, and it is responsible for most things we are able to do every single day in order to survive or excel. However, the conscious mind can directly tap the subconscious mind’s power through regular meditation: it is the only effective means to “tame” the magnificent beast that is our subconscious. Whenever you want to accomplish something—start a positive habit or remove a negative one, ensure success in your endeavors, or change your own mood or improve your mental state—

So how do we get in touch and reprogram our unconscious?

Simple.. Through Meditation-all of us should practice regular meditation in order to program our subconscious to do our bidding. All we need to do is set aside a few minutes each day in a quiet spot and commence deep, slow breathing, and mentally state of quietness or stillness.  Performing this regularly opens up the barrier, and you will learn to take control of your unconscious and even reprogram it through positive affirmations and things of the like. 

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