Saturday, November 23, 2013

Advanced Astrology: The variables of Aspects

First, let me begin with: Astrology is a science of probabilities. Any aspect, position, transit, and configuration may represent any one of a number of possibilities. Being able to predict how an aspect, placement or transit will play out is much more difficult than most might think. This is why some synastry or natal chart placements don't play out as the general description might say. 

This is because these general interpretations are assuming there are no other aspects being made to the planet involved both in the natal chart and the synastry. 

Understanding the psychology of the people involved is the most important to understand more specifically how any synastry, aspect or placement will play out. This goes for all things in astrology, including what will happen during a transit.  There are a substantial amount of things that must be considered aside from the placement, aspect or transit in itself. In order to predict accurately, you must understand the psychology of the people involved first through an analysis of the individual charts and for a birth-chart all other aspects being made to each planet in question or placement.

Why some experience the planet transits and benefits and why others don't.

The experiences are often quite different for each individual because although one might have a beneficial transit of Venus or Jupiter, you must see if those planets are being aspected such as blocked or slowed down by Saturn or altered by Pluto or any other outer planet along with anything else that might affect the transit. This is why predicting the outcome or effects of any one transit or aspect is much more complicated and takes a great deal of understanding of the charts(s) involved and something that needs to be learned over time. 

How to get an accurate synastry or natal chart assessment?

Outside of getting a professional astrologer to interpret the many variables for you. You yourself can learn by taking a course or lot's of research to gain a greater understanding of how it's a combination of things that depict the accuracy of what these mean. 

Yes, a general understanding of each of the planets meanings and energies must be understood and do apply, but not always in the same way for each person or persons. 

There are themes within a chart, such as many aspects of one particular planet shows the perception or approach of a person whether they are aggressive or shy or their personality type.( I wrote more about this in another post I will need to come back to link it here). 

This personality type is very important it will reflect whether or not they are proud, controlling or passive, serious, sensitive, carefree, optimist, stubborn or forgiving. All these matter and will determine how an aspect or placement will play out and how they will respond to another person or if they will at all. It determines whether they will resist or suppress their feelings, openly express them or how they express the planet energy in general. 

In other words, there is a lot that needs to be considered and astrologers can't often tell you how one aspect will play out without first analyzing all the charts, aspects, signs and placements involved first. For each affects and even alters the other.

The most important in my opinion are the outer planets aspects of the inner planets in both the natal and the synastry, these basically trump the rest. They are the most powerful and poor ones or difficult ones (aspects)can override good ones, and good ones can override bad ones when the outer planets are in aspect with the personal planets. 

For those of you that are new, personal planets are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. For instance, the planet Saturn can block and restrict a planet energy, whether in the natal or by transit and therefore the person will not experience the benefits of the planet will be blocked in expression by Saturn or won't express that planet energy easily or even at all especially if these are the difficult aspects to personal planets. Pluto can intensify, add fear, control or stubbornness to the planet. So, In order to get a reasonable line on which one of these many probabilities will develop it will take many different analysis's to each of the planets within the natal chart(s) of person(s) in order to see how one is predetermined to respond. 

Usually, it's most important to first to ascertain the key to one's chart as a whole. This key is determined by the planet placements and aspects to see where one might see many planets such as a stellium in one house, or many aspects with a particular planet, or personal planets aspected by outer planets, also house rulerships and planet placements. 

However, in my professional experience, the aspects are more important than the house placements and the reason is that the aspects being made to the planets will alter the way the planet plays out in the synastry. If the planets are well aspected then the more positive side will be displayed in that house. If not, then the energy might be seen in a whole different way than what is typically written about the general interpretations of the house placements in synastry.

Why not all synastry placements play out the same for everyone?

Without writing an entire class or book about this subject because this is how complex this actual process is, I will address some of the basics here and this is really just a tip of the iceberg but will help those get an idea on what needs to be done.

For instance, if a person has the 12th house occupied by two or three of the strong planets, we know that they are going to take on some spiritual or mystical qualities.

If a person has difficult aspects with Pluto to their personal planets chances are they are proud and may struggle with issues of control, fear or suppress their true inner feelings. If the person has difficult aspects with Saturn they could not express the planet energy or express it negatively. Same goes for all the other planets such as Neptune, and the potential for untruths, or over-sensitivity. Along with whether or not they are overtly sensitive due to pride or emotional sensitivity to criticism. This is important to better understand if the planet aspects will be well tolerated or the persons will be receptive to the other or not and where the potential problems lie within a potential relationship.

It is very 'important' to keep in mind, that when reading about aspects, or planet placements, and even transits that they are general assuming no other aspects are being made to the particular planet or point. 

Those of you that are familiar with Astrology understand that all of the aspects can be enhanced or debilitated, by other aspects. This is why writing about aspect by aspect or planet transits can be misleading. 

For an example, If a person has their Moon in your 5th house, interpretations would say, the house person contributes to the playfulness and romantic side of the Moon. The Moon person is exposed to a person that encourages self-expression, love, and romance. This is usually very good for a romantic placement. This is said to be true for the Moon person as well. They will be emotionally playful, encourage self-expression and romance.

However, if the Moon person has any of their personal planets in difficult aspect to either Saturn or Pluto then the Moon person may not enjoy or feel comfortable with this light and fun house at all. If the Moon is afflicted with Saturn or Pluto they would likely not add a fun or playfulness to the house person but would rather prefer more depth, intensity, or in the case with Saturn, more seriousness, and a more restrictive energy.

So, what would normally be considered a fun, loving and easy going placement can be blocked by the Moon person's inability to let go and have fun. So instead, the house person can feel the Moon person is restrictive or controlling in this house, rather than adding fun and playfulness. In synastry, both charts of both people must be understood first in great detail before being able to predict accurately the relationship and there impact on each other.

There are many formulations and probabilities, and they all need to be considered to make an accurate prediction on how the aspect will play out in any case, whether in the natal, synastry or by transits.

The Astrological aspects made in a natal chart affect the way they will play out in the synastry chart. So, ideally, the natal chart of both people need to be analyzed first, before the synastry chart, in order to properly assess the relationship potential.

Aspects or placements, or transits in themselves, are only accurate if the energy was pure and simple (unafflicted) or having no other aspects made to them. It's much more complicated to say what one aspect, transit or placement might produce without looking at all these other factors. 

This is why most astrologers won't comment or predict for anyone what will happen specifically to them without actually looking at the chart(s) in detail. And when writing about aspects or transits, it is always stated that these interpretations are general assuming there are no other aspects being made to the planet involved (which is very rarely the case). In order to accurately predict how a placement, or a synastry aspect and even a transit will play out you must look into all of the charts and understand the psychology of the people involved but also consider the other aspects going on even by transit and how they will alter the interpretations. Yes, it's quite a process but can be done and you will get better and better with time and practice. 

I do offer classes to teach individuals how to do this, and in more detail, if you are interested in accurately predicting how a relationship will play out and what you can do about it if it's not as you wish or better understand the many different variables of any given situation and see the whole picture and therefore predict accurately then this is what needs to be done. This is not included in this free course because it's for beginners. However, it is and is offered in my intermediate or advanced classes because it's quite complex and not able to teach in a post.

Nonetheless, I hope this helps you better understand how to better predict what will happen with the most accuracy and explains why not everyone will experience the aspects, placements or transits the same.

Next: Planets, Signs, Houses Keywords

Retrograde Planets by Transit and Natal

Or Read more on:





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