Saturday, March 30, 2013


You may know someone or you yourself might feel as if love just isn't easy. You sense you do all the wrong things even though you "feel" you're doing the right thing. People who have difficulties with finding love more often than not have what we astrologer's call " Love Blockers".  We somehow resist or don't know how to give and receive love. After-all love can be scary. Who want's to be vulnerable to the pain that can be associated with love gone wrong. However, people with these astrological love blockers are often the cause of the failure in love and must be aware of these tendencies to push away, test, in some cases, manipulate or run away in hopes of avoiding it all together. These are some of the most common astrological lover blockers their effects and how to overcome them. When it comes to finding love and keeping love or feeling like a failure at love. There are many different factors in astrology that can point to this; these are some of the most potent.

You will need to first look at your 5th house and the 7th house to see how lucky or unlucky you are in these areas. It's not just luck it’s also how important love is to you and what you are willing to give to get it. Relationships take flexibility, sensitivity, and a willingness to give and share on an emotional level.

There are certain Astrological blockers that are often correlated with difficulties in giving and receiving love. Please note that astrology is complex and there are many factors that can help soften some of these by aspects but there are also many other things to consider. 

These are just a few of the most difficult. All things can be worked through but first the individual(s) must be aware of some of their tendencies that may be getting in the way of their relationships.

If you happen to have Saturn (the planet of restrictions) in either of these houses it will be a little tougher, for there seems to be some resistance to connecting with others. This is not always the case in some cases the person either aims too high or too low as well. Saturn is restrictions, blockages, and boundaries, but also maturity, responsibility, and seriousness.   

Fear of commitment is common as well, as in some cases an inability to trust in love, and let go. Because of this many will notice that finding love is delayed, possibly til later in life when they are able to learn to give what they want in return and not fear being vulnerable and to avoid game playing at all cost. 

In the case of Saturn, he comes with burdens, blockages, insecurities, coolness, and criticalness in love. Aspects known to block your ability to feel comfortable with love, believe in love, but also to know how to give love and keep love.

  • Saturn in hard aspect to the moon- Love blocker emotionally, you are not comfortable with displaying affection. You are afraid to give your heart so you tend not too. Sometimes there is a sense of being above others, and or an emotional coolness that can come across as cold. Emotional displays of affection are uncomfortable and you have difficulty expressing your emotional needs and therefore you may keep them suppressed.
  • Saturn in hard aspect to Venus- Love feels like a burden and a responsibility, or sometimes too, much work. There can be feelings of superiority or self righteousness. Often being in love is not comfortable or does not come naturally. You may lack diplomacy and end up being unconsciously hurtful to those you love. You tend to doubt the love. You test your partners through series of tests, compliments are not easily given and there is often two steps forward and 5 steps backward approach that is very confusing to those that love you. You often end the relationship for no real cause to test your partners love for you. 
  • Venus retrograde- Although you have opportunities to have love.. you usually don't understand how to give love, you tend to hold back and sometimes your love life has a fated feeling of bad timing. However, when you learn to connect with your Venus and allow yourself pleasure and free expression of love. Your love life will see major improvement. 
  • Venus in the 12th house- You are an idealist and finding that ideal is difficult because you are not even sure of what it is. You can fall in love with an idea, and you often tend to idealize people and can easily end up in relationships with all the wrong people. Be selective about who you get involved with. You are very compassionate and tend to fall for the underdogs, just make sure that you also receive in love. 
  • Saturn in hard aspect to the sun- Your self-confidence is low and you project this onto others. You don't believe you are loveable and sometimes sabotage yourself in fear of losing anyway. You may be overly critical of yourself, learn to trust in yourself and believe that you deserve the best.

  • Venus in hard aspect to mars (sometimes) You tend to be too aggressive or attract aggressive partners that are not in line with your love nature. This can also point to an inability to connect with the opposite sex due to competitiveness or competition. 
  • Pluto in hard aspect to sun, moon or Venus- Pride, suppressed feelings out of fear of being vulnerable. A need to be in control and a lack of giving. You demand your partners to go above and beyond for you just learn to do the same. Try not to play emotional games these tend to backfire and you must let go of your desire to control you cannot control anything so let love in.
  • Uranus in hard aspect to Venus because you desire the awe-inspiring free open relationship or you need too much stimuli to remain interested in love. You may be inconsistent brining about drama in your love life. 

The way to overcome this is simple. Saturn adds fear and feelings of inadequacy or unrealistic expectations in love. In areas of love and romance or partnership, he makes one weary of love. You might test people and in the process and end up pushing them away, you may think that love is a burden and responsibility that you don’t want to take on at this time in your life. Saturn will make it difficult for you to express feelings in love. This is because somewhere in your life you felt unloved. Maybe you even experience a great heartache and don’t want to ever dabble there again. This is normal and how Saturn will attempt to jade you.

Pluto instills a different dynamic it is the King of self-sabotage! Pluto is afraid he won't be loved for who he is, therefore, he must hide, suppress or control the situation.  Pluto produces a strong desire to control and obtain power, pride is his downfall for he (never gives in). Learn to humble yourself, and to let go of the need to be in control. Love has no pride should be learned and that you get what you give.

Uranus is a little different since Uranus was castrated and probably had little interest in sex so he got interested in everything else. Uranus in hard aspect people just doesn't seem to understand that relationships are two people and that compromise and consistency is what makes relationships work. 

Whichever planet is hindering you in love.. You must make a conscious effort to overcome this. Like all things, we must overcome our pre-conditioning to truly free ourselves to let love in. 

Understanding astrology will help you understand yourself. This will help you break free of these patterns and open the doorways to the child in you that was once free of all the preconditioning and you looked to the world with the excitement of infinite possibilities! Go back to that place. Nothing is forever, you change and things change. It really is that simple. Change your thoughts and change your destiny.  Love is worth it.

Get an astrological love reading to find out if you or you loved one have any of these blockers and solutions on how to work with these energies to help you get the love you want and deserve! Visit my charts and services page! Thanks for reading! 

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